tortuga2010: Cover from a woman's magazine, c.1930s
netamir: Sitting
dianavieira: restaurant. old kitchen of monastery
Jellibat: Sherlock
woolly fabulous: A bunch of snowman noses...
One Flew Over...: Scrappy Hoop Swap
Red or Gray: spools
lusummers: paper village
fickleknitter: Wee Baby Sock Yarn
Mochimochi Land: Tiny Doughnut
Megan Young: Repurposed flower wreath.
One Flew Over...: Star Washers
Swamibu: Mummy mask of Satdjehuty
creampuffsinvenice: Bomboloni (1)
knitalatte11: to hold precious stones
cherry tomato: paper leaves closeup
ladylinoleum: The Colors of Fall
jude hill: cotton implants
the purl bee: Liberty Bibs in 3 new colorways!
fickleknitter: I can quit anytime I want to
frucci: BOCCA earrings
Jellibat: small flowers
rogilde - roberto la forgia: Aspettando....... Waiting......
ingermaaike2: More fairisle knitting