Kitchen Sink Realism: To Whom Do I Owe This Pleasure
JALD: 119
Ibai Acevedo: R.E.M.
The Gentleman Amateur: London, March 31st, 2010
Mademoiselle Julia: “Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler.” - 157/365
Alin Ciortea: zenzaman
tommaso proietti -: Je t'aime, moi non plus.
Kristen Courtade Photography: Take Me To A Place High Up In The Skies
C.Mariani: sunday 's treat
C.Mariani: sauce
C.Mariani: hot cocoa
C.Mariani: December
C.Mariani: toast
Frau Haselmayer: Carpaccio & Tomato salad
Tja'Sha: How can you people call it "Sun-day", if there is no sun?~
AnnaMur: It was in early spring...
Kjers..: [ I l l u m i n a t i o n : : : leads us here]
Kristine May.: thirsty.