Kim Shattuck: We will rock you!!
tannie annie: wallpaper
noelleodesigns: vintage wallpaper
U.S. National Archives: "Top Women" at U.S. Steel's Gary, Indiana, Works, 1940-1945
Internet Archive Book Images: Image from page 195 of "American national Red cross text-book on first aid and relief columns; a manual of instruction; how to prevent accidents and what to do for injuries and emergencies" (1908)
Internet Archive Book Images: Image from page 211 of "Elements of modern chemistry" (1887)
eriktoyra: ETO_070814_0312
brilliant lite: Found piano keys
flatbushnelson: found film
La zona 21 de Guatemala: Procesión Virgen de Guadalupe
01011010: Ayquina 2013
Internet Archive Book Images: Image from page 583 of "The Bell System technical journal" (1922)
lb.polaroids: Ritual
jean sept: People Are Maths
jurvetson: The History of Science Fiction
dv8sheepn: TESLA | Scientist Portraits
Wolfram Burner: Perseid Meteor II
wild goose chase: Hengilás
horsemeatpie: The Pastels 2007 - 004
Mike Murphy -: Dead Kennedys, Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, Ca. 1979
Mike Murphy -: Crime, Stardust Ballroom, Hollywood Ca., 1978
allsongs: Courtney Barnett (night 2) 54
bruce grant: pas de trois n°2...
daliborlev: Storm
Internet Archive Book Images: Image from page 954 of "Papers and records - Ontario Historical Society" (1899)