Runs with Poodles: Serious and Dignified
jend73: "Sure is a Purdy Dawg!"
lucky3110: Poodle nose
Higher Standards: "Please come play with me?"
Dawn Violet: Strawberry Poodle Cupcakes
lucky3110: In the spotlight
Red~Star: Green
Higher Standards: The Keepers Of My Heart
Devilstar: Dobermann Sign
aenee: wraf!!
agilestandard!: Leaping Lolas!
IABoomerFlickr: Water Drop Man
lucky3110: Pretty poodle
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: You said this would only take a few minutes, right?
lucky3110: Let sleeping dogs lie
Runs with Poodles: Laughing Feet
Mark Muschett: Serenity: 3/52
lucky3110: G-man x 3
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Since there are no presents under the Poodle Tree....... 47/52
Johny Day: Gentleness of a Soul
catsaqqara: Miss Diva
catsaqqara: What?
lucky3110: Centre stage
csabatokolyi: The Golden Stare
ionut iordache: The Flirt
lucky3110: 33/52 Vanilla boy
elsbeth cool: _MG_6136