pontla: zebra swallowtail
pontla: Swallowtail
pontla: summer scene
pontla: beauty in B/W
pontla: ...When day comes, we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid. The new dawn blooms as we free it. For there is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it - Amanda Gorman
pontla: Clouded Yellow
pontla: a delicate touch ...
pontla: effimero battito d'ali di farfalla
pontla: exquisite intricacy
pontla: elegance
pontla: quiet the mind ...
pontla: La farfalla sul fiore
pontla: beauty in simplicity
pontla: beauty and the flowers
pontla: eleganza e leggerezza
pontla: Clouded yellow
pontla: sulle tue ali ...volero' con te
pontla: black swallowtail
pontla: beauty has wings
pontla: sun and shadow
pontla: fiori e farfalla
pontla: fascinating and bizarre creature
pontla: a pair
pontla: natural beauty
pontla: lady
pontla: Monarch butterfly
pontla: Monarch butterfly
pontla: give me wings...
pontla: Female Monarch Butterfly
pontla: moth or butterfly ...