jmlwinder: Beech/oak forest
jjjj56cp: 0136exinP endangered Flightless Steamer Duck **Explore**
tclaud2002: Saddleback Wasp Portrait
tclaud2002: Peacock Butterfly Macro
jmlwinder: Paulownia flowers2, US National Arboretum
jmlwinder: Tulip poplar tree flowers3 US National Arboretum
BJSmit: Peloponnese wall lizard / Peloponnesosmuurhagedis (Podarcis peloponnesiacus)
Mary Keim: Oakleaf Fleabane (Erigeron quercifolius)
jt893x: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
BJSmit: wasp nest
jmlwinder: Asimina triloba (pawpaw)
jmlwinder: First crocus
jjjj56cp: 3585e Curl-crested Aracari in the canopy
jjjj56cp: 4800ex Swallow-tailed Gull and chick
זיידע‎ ישעיה טשערויין: Red Sunrise, Park Ridge, Illinois, November 29, 2021 1 full
jmlwinder: Valley Mill Park 3 skunk cabbage
Mary Keim: Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus)
Mary Keim: Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina)
@ tameristan: Life in Izmir.
tclaud2002: Grass Landing
jmlwinder: Three Island Cruise 3: Hydra July 1974
franspelsmaekers: Crested Tit & Great Tit , bathing
Rodger1943: Sacred Kingfisher
jmlwinder: Hummingbird on salvia
tclaud2002: Look Down Landing
tclaud2002: Screech Owl Portrait
tclaud2002: Running Gallinule
Mary Keim: Orange-fringed Orchid (Platanthera ciliaris)
Suzannes_Images: Butterfly
Suzannes_Images: Ducks on a Log