Polsy: Present pile 2013
Polsy: A large poppy
Polsy: My car has ice measles
Polsy: Present pile 2012
Polsy: My hotel room. Also, testing the iPhone Flickr app.
Polsy: Well, that's that then
Polsy: Bird print
Polsy: Olympic lamppost banners
Polsy: RTK3 poster 6-month progress
Polsy: Cool birthday card
Polsy: Miku Flick / ロミオとシンデレラ
Polsy: Miku Flick / 初音ミクの消失
Polsy: PiP
Polsy: After
Polsy: Before
Polsy: Yakisoba for lunch
Polsy: Hyper Japan entrance
Polsy: Tree branch snow
Polsy: Close-up tree branch snow
Polsy: Snow 2012 #3
Polsy: Snow 2012 #2
Polsy: Snow 2012
Polsy: Pin kanji
Polsy: RTK3 poster, before starting for real
Polsy: Present pile 2011
Polsy: fours
Polsy: Curtainspider
Polsy: Hmm, now what?
Polsy: Japanese quizzing
Polsy: Why does my dictionary have a game in it?