.Manisha.: Squiggly
.Manisha.: Ghee of life
.Manisha.: RIP, Bizkit
.Manisha.: Grateful for good friends
.Manisha.: Ghee, even better than butter.
.Manisha.: They say peeking into someone's refrigerator tells you a lot about that person.
.Manisha.: Take the trouble to peel away each layer and see more of nature's splendor.
.Manisha.: Dying embers
.Manisha.: A shot of this and you're past the Hump Day!
.Manisha.: Whoever said that shoes must be of identical colors never had a teenager.
.Manisha.: Six.
.Manisha.: Literally
.Manisha.: I think I killed them
.Manisha.: Chained
.Manisha.: Face down in 10 seconds in child's pose.
.Manisha.: Er dH
.Manisha.: Retro
.Manisha.: An angel emerges from the steam, changes your life and dissipates quickly as the tea turns cold.
.Manisha.: Colorado sunset
.Manisha.: Green bananas
.Manisha.: If everything was spectacular, we wouldn't notice it as much.
.Manisha.: Only you can make it better for yourself. And maybe the sun.
.Manisha.: Sunrise
.Manisha.: Uncrystallized and Crystallized ginger
.Manisha.: Meyer lemon cookies
.Manisha.: Tea time cookies
.Manisha.: Fragrant Tirphal
.Manisha.: How Boulder of you!
.Manisha.: Moonsets can be pretty awesome even when it's not a full moon.
.Manisha.: Sushi at Spice China, Louisville