.Manisha.: Both time and wind stood still, and I did not dare breathe.
.Manisha.: afire
.Manisha.: Don't burst my bubble!
.Manisha.: handle it
.Manisha.: crepuscular goodness in a cloudless sky
.Manisha.: rule of thunderstorms
.Manisha.: they await their fate
.Manisha.: Somewhere the sun is rising
.Manisha.: drop
.Manisha.: SFO by Full Moon
.Manisha.: cutsey legwarmers
.Manisha.: Little things help explain the big picture, or do they?
.Manisha.: My first Frontpage
.Manisha.: 366/366: I want to be free. I am free.
.Manisha.: raindrops
.Manisha.: Postcard from Louisville, Colorado
.Manisha.: 278/366: Showing off my CyberGabi-ness
.Manisha.: oddly enough
.Manisha.: 242/366: She threw her head back to catch the last light before fading out into the finality of the darkness
.Manisha.: lakeside
.Manisha.: 209/366: get me outta here
.Manisha.: apricots
.Manisha.: Raining Bokeh
.Manisha.: Reflected dusk
.Manisha.: 149/366: A decade ago they called me cheap...
.Manisha.: Start it with a splash!
.Manisha.: Fall
.Manisha.: eggstra
.Manisha.: The Eye (North Window, aglow)
.Manisha.: I bow to thee in sheer reverence