Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej: Szef MON z wizytą w Szwecji
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office: Foreign Secretary David Lammy meets Sudanese refugees in Chad, in the border town of Adre
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office: Foreign Secretary David Lammy sees trucks carrying humanitarian aid from Chad into Sudan at the Adre border crossing
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office: Foreign Secretary David Lammy meets the Prefet of Adre on arrival in Eastern Chad
Estonian Foreign Ministry: EL-i välisministrite kohtumine 27.01.2025
Kancelaria Premiera: 2025.01.17 Warszawa | Spotkanie z premierem Wielkiej Brytanii
Kancelaria Premiera: 2025.01.21 Warszawa | Posiedzenie Rady Ministrów
Kancelaria Premiera: 2025.01.15 Posiedzenie RM
Kancelaria Premiera: 2024.12.17 Lwów | Wizyta w Ukrainie
Kancelaria Premiera: 2024.12.19 Bruksela, Belgia | Udzial w szczycie UE – Balkany Zachodnie oraz szczycie Rady Europejskiej
Kancelaria Premiera: 2024.12.19 Bruksela, Belgia | Udzial w szczycie UE – Balkany Zachodnie oraz szczycie Rady Europejskiej
Estonian Foreign Ministry: Välisministeerium
sziatlo: Maurizio Sarri
sziatlo: Christopher Luxon
sziatlo: Ian Bankier
sziatlo: Jeff Blackett
sziatlo: Joe Biden
Biden White House Archived: P20240612OC-0041
Biden White House Archived: P20240613OC-2247
sziatlo: Martin Winterkorn
sziatlo: Pat Rabbitte
Latvian Foreign Ministry: 03.-04.06.2024. Rīgā norisinās Āfrikas valstu forums “Latvija un Āfrikas valstis: partneri mieram un noturībai”
Senado Federal: Fotos produzidas pelo Senado
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office: Foreign Secretary David Cameron meets Foreign Minister of Poland
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office: Foreign Secretary David Cameron visits Mongolia
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office: Foreign Secretary David Cameron meets Lithuanian Foreign Minister
UK Prime Minister: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak delivers speech at Policy Exchange
UK Prime Minister: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak D-Day Torch of Liberation Ceremony
Kancelaria Premiera: 2024.04.23 Spotkane z Premierem UK i SG NATO
Kancelaria Premiera: 2024.05.11 Wizyta na granicy polsko-białoruskiej