poisonous pulchritude: ... flücht ich mich ins Dunkel
poisonous pulchritude: vielleicht kann ich mich einmal erkennen
poisonous pulchritude: ermüdet von dem Trug der Einzelheiten
poisonous pulchritude: ich bin von vielen Leibern besessen
poisonous pulchritude: beseligend war ihre nähe
poisonous pulchritude: aber in mir singt noch ein Beginnen
poisonous pulchritude: der himmel bietet mittags große stille
poisonous pulchritude: thin line between love and hate
poisonous pulchritude: but she walks through her sunken dream (b/w)
poisonous pulchritude: but she walks through her sunken dream
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poisonous pulchritude: DSC_7883_smallsw
poisonous pulchritude: of broken thoughts
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poisonous pulchritude: and that smell of sweet perfume comes drifting through
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poisonous pulchritude: zuviel rot auf deinen lippen
poisonous pulchritude: this house just ain't no home anytime she goes away
poisonous pulchritude: searching so long
poisonous pulchritude: vanishing point
poisonous pulchritude: one day in his life