pocolover1957: Great Blue Heron
pocolover1957: Northern Shoveler
pocolover1957: Red Winged Blackbird
pocolover1957: Jumping Spider
pocolover1957: DSC_0017-Edit
pocolover1957: Bailey
pocolover1957: Nakamichi banana plugs into a XPA-200 amp compared to Blue Jeans Cable LC-1 cable
pocolover1957: Eastern Box Turtle
pocolover1957: Eastern Box Turtle
pocolover1957: [Bailey at 15]
pocolover1957: [kershaw storm 2]
pocolover1957: [Eastern gray squirrel]
pocolover1957: [Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird]
pocolover1957: [Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird]
pocolover1957: [hosta flower]
pocolover1957: [brown thrashers]
pocolover1957: [brown thrasher meets a squirrel]
pocolover1957: [Antlion adult]
pocolover1957: [ladybug larvae]
pocolover1957: [great blue heron]
pocolover1957: [zebra swallowtail butterfly]
pocolover1957: [yellow warbler]
pocolover1957: [blue-gray gnatcatcher]
pocolover1957: [church with stone windows]
pocolover1957: [ice damage]
pocolover1957: [tomatillos]
pocolover1957: [tomatillos]