lcdeane: after
lcdeane: Navajo plied Coopworth
lcdeane: Handspun Yarn for FBS
lcdeane: Handspun for Fake Isle Hat
lcdeane: Blue singles
lcdeane: Angora blend
lcdeane: Hand dyed by me
lcdeane: Finally plied!
lcdeane: fresh off the needles
lcdeane: burning bush
lcdeane: burning bush
lcdeane: muted
lcdeane: spring violets
lcdeane: winter sky handspun
lcdeane: tidepool handspun
lcdeane: crushed berries handspun
lcdeane: magpie handspun ~ tidepool
lcdeane: preparing for winter
lcdeane: a sweater's worth of handspun
lcdeane: fresh handspun for sale
lcdeane: spinning {YIP:21.365}
lcdeane: plied {YIP:23.365}
lcdeane: mahogany handspun
lcdeane: funky carolina ~ philly {YIP 56.365}