lcdeane: My favorites from the recent kiln firing.
lcdeane: Loading the kiln. They're all mine (plus 10 more on other shelves) except the plate in the center.
lcdeane: Fresh out of the kiln. I kind of can't believe that I made these.
lcdeane: I have a new obsession.
lcdeane: Most of my knitting this winter has been shop samples. Happily flying through this Muckle Toque for myself!
lcdeane: @mjmucklestone designed this fabulous flying geese cowl and made me model it! She's doing a pattern giveaway on her blog
lcdeane: Mid afternoon coffee break with a friend. #chasesdaily
lcdeane: Scattered.
lcdeane: Thawing. You don't even want to know how much meltwater is making its way into our garage.
lcdeane: Spring is for making ridiculously cute things.
lcdeane: They aren't terribly impressed by this first day of Spring.
lcdeane: The state of affairs these days.
lcdeane: ready
lcdeane: sculpted
lcdeane: the view from inside
lcdeane: January thaw
lcdeane: a walk with Corky
lcdeane: a new skein.
lcdeane: the birch grove
lcdeane: Sunny morning
lcdeane: Our favorite trail
lcdeane: Sculpted
lcdeane: Every morning should start like this. #pieforbreakfast
lcdeane: Winter sunsets are the best
lcdeane: working through the wood pile.
lcdeane: Today was better than Christmas.
lcdeane: made some felt garland today, courtesy of Purl Bee. that's festive enough for me.