William Neill: Backlit Cottonwoods, Yosemite National Park, California 2016
Bernard Languillier: Sacred light of Lukang - 2
Pedro Moura Pinheiro: the first view
Biblioteca de Arte-Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Companhia Colonial de Navegação. Lisboa, Portugal
johnhallmen: Studio stack: Phoretic Mite
stephenjjohnson: Darwin's Tree of Life
Jonathan Lidbeck: Gray-Scott Lotus
Rui Aperta: Ponte 25 de Abril
gadl: Torre de Belém
Biaph: Don't Panic Don't Panic
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: NASA Sees Fiery Looping Rain on the Sun [hd video]
Achimar: St-Gallen
Richard Wintle: Third Generation
Mobile Peppercorn: The Spice of Life
magal (Manuel Galrinho): Crucifixion of a corkscrew and a nutcracker
Kuper's Foobar: Censorship Causes Blindness
Fotoamador: Estações de metro de Lisboa
The Celebrated Mr. K: Circular Piano
Erica _ Fischer: European detail map of Flickr and Twitter locations
Achimar: Amen
fpsurgeon: Supercomputer Spiral
BongoInc: Krug Bier
simon sherwin: Hokusai in Shinjuku
red_lion: Super Full Moon
Marco_Coelho: Homem sem rosto/man without a face
Josh Sommers: Going Up For Air
sorenragsdale: Airplane Prop + CMOS Rolling Shutter = WTF
JD Hancock: Apple Earth
magal (Manuel Galrinho): Aldeias Simões in a buto dance