pnh: Looking back at the cathedral
pnh: Wandering back downhill again
pnh: Like a Lambeth Cake in stone.
pnh: It takes a lot of planning and work to make all that decoration look orderly.
pnh: Looking back at the façade
pnh: Back outside again ...
pnh: Really, all those popes are a bit much.
pnh: Some apostle or evangelist in the gift shop.
pnh: Stripes and more stripes.
pnh: Another odd floor inlay
pnh: Eneas Silvio Piccolomini does something in or involving Britain.
pnh: Eneas Silvio Piccolomini encounters weather
pnh: Side chapel, v. sumptuous
pnh: More of the Piccolomini Library
pnh: Pope Pius II does something-or-other
pnh: Illuminated book in the Piccolomini Library
pnh: Lions with unfortunate sheep
pnh: Detail of a large floor inlay in the transept, showing the Massacre of the Innocents
pnh: The Sibylla Hellespontica
pnh: Cathedral dome, with fake light and shadow effects
pnh: Further words from the Sibylla Cumana
pnh: (Cumaean?) Sibyl, something something Virgil eclogue something else.
pnh: Rota Fortuna
pnh: Cathedral interior
pnh: Popes in stone
pnh: Decorative stone inlay in the floor
pnh: Front door, with local saints
pnh: Sculpture on the façade
pnh: A bit of ornament around the doors
pnh: Cathedral door