PMT CUPCAKES: In April 2010 we looked at this
PMT CUPCAKES: A tired poorly mess of a shop
PMT CUPCAKES: Damp everywhere
PMT CUPCAKES: plaster falling from the walls, ceiling...
PMT CUPCAKES: High ceilings though....
PMT CUPCAKES: where there was a ceiling that is
PMT CUPCAKES: spacious witha wide shop front
PMT CUPCAKES: Lots of light....
PMT CUPCAKES: eugh! cracked Loo.
PMT CUPCAKES: and damp so bad it was right through the wall
PMT CUPCAKES: and waterlnot draining away
PMT CUPCAKES: blocked drains
PMT CUPCAKES: and an overgrown rear entrance
PMT CUPCAKES: but it had potential.
PMT CUPCAKES: and finally in February 2011 work started
PMT CUPCAKES: Parts that we hadn't really noticed began to get us thinking
PMT CUPCAKES: as the layers were stripped away it looked even more light and spacious
PMT CUPCAKES: It was exciting but scary for all of us.
PMT CUPCAKES: The kitchenette gone
PMT CUPCAKES: All the exterior walls were tanked with concrete and a waterproof sealant
PMT CUPCAKES: and the only wall not damp made good
PMT CUPCAKES: it was a lot of concrete
PMT CUPCAKES: hmmm windows would look nice
PMT CUPCAKES: whoo hoo plaster on the walls
PMT CUPCAKES: felt like we were getting somewhere
PMT CUPCAKES: but not quite as far in other areas - no Loo now, just a hole in the floor :-/
PMT CUPCAKES: That will one day be my kitchen
PMT CUPCAKES: and that my office area and clenaing store