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10/20/2024: Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS C/2023 A3 @ Engie Wind Farm; Kirk, Texas
10/18/2024: Fakebonnet one unit wonder on the H-CSYNYF 1-18A @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
2024:08:28 - Cumulo-nimbus / cumulus congestus over Leona, Flynn, TX
Been a busy year here in Texas, astrophotography wise...
2024:10:10 - Aurora Borealis (G4 / X1.8 / Kp8); Flynn, TX
2024:10:14 - Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS C/2023 A3; Jewett, TX
2024:10:13 - Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS C/2023 A3; Flynn, TX
10/9/2024: UP Texoma SU / Ft. Worth SD; UP P-HOFW-09 / UP4014 "Big Boy" VIDEO @ MP105.3 - Hearne; MP139 - Marlin & MP159.2 - Waco, TX
10/9/2024: UP Texoma SU / Ft Worth SD; P-HOFW-09 @ MP159.20 - Tehuacana Creek Bridge; Waco, TX
10/9/2024: UP Texoma SU / Ft Worth SD; UP P-HOFW-09 - UP4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ MP139 - SH7 / Live Oak St gc; Hearne, TX
10/9/2024: UP Texoma SU / Ft Worth SD; UP P-HOFW-09 - UP4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ MP105.30 - pvt rd gc; Hearne, TX
10/8/2024: UP Houston SU / Navasota SD; UP P-HOBR-07 - UP4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ MP74.35 - F&B Road gc; Bryan, TX
10/7/2024: UP Gulf Coast SU / Navasota SD; UP HOBR-07 -UP4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ MP53.87 - Lometa Lane gc; Millican, TX
10/7/2024: UP Houston SU / Navasota SD; UP P-HOBR-07 - UP4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ MP74.35 - F&B Road gc; Bryan, TX
10/4/2024: UP Houston SU / Navasota SU; UP P-BZHO-04 - UP 4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ CPQ 048 - Navasota Junction; Navasota, TX
10/4/2024: UP Houston SU / Navasota SD; UP BZHO-04 - UP4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ MP51.60 - Navasota River Bridge; Navasota, TX
10/4/2024: UP Houston SU / Navasota SD; P-BZHO-04 - UP4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ MP51.60 - Navasota River Bridge Approach, Navasota, TX
10/4/2024: UP Houston SU / Navasota SD; P-BZHO-04 - UP4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ MP 92.01 - CR 203 / Union Bend Rd gc; Mumford, TX
10/4/2024: UP Houston SU / Navasota SD; M-HOSS-04 @ MP92.01 - CR203 / Union Bend Rd / Foyt Rd; Mumford, TX
10/4/2024: UP Houston SU / Navasota SD; M-AGFW-03 @ MP92.01 - CR203 / Union Bend Rd / Foyt Rd gc; Mumford, TX
10/4/2024: UP South Texas SU / Giddings SD: GS-AV9G-01 @ MP12.20 - CR203 / Union Bend Rd / Foyt Rd gc; Mumford, TX
10/4/2024: UP P-BZHO-04 / UP 4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ Mumford & Navasota, TX
10/1/2024: BNSF Brandt MOW 98038 @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
9/28/2024: WarBirds @ Madisonville Municipal Airport - 51R: First Annual Fly-In; Madisonville, TX
9/28/2024: Civilian Aircraft @ Madisonville Municipal Airport - 51R: First Annual Fly-In; Madisonville, TX
9/18/2024: Barrio barriers! FXE 4038 [EMD SD70ACe] on H-HOUTUL @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
9/19/2024: UP P-DABZ-19 / UP 4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ Valley Junction, Hearne, TX
9/19/2024: UP P-DABZ-19 / UP 4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ Hearne, TX
9/19/2024: UP P-DABZ-19 / UP 4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ MP 124.40 - US79 og; Hearne, TX
9/19/2024: UP P-DABZ-19 / UP 4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ MP141.69 - S. Main St; Bremond, TX
9/19/2024: UP P-DABZ-19 / UP 4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ MP149.89 - CR 278; Kosse, TX
9/19/2024: UP P-DABZ-19 / UP 4014 [ALCo 4-8-8-4] @ MP181.26 - US84 og; Mexia, TX
9/16/2024: UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; M-NLEW-14 @ MP137; Hammond, TX
9/16/2024: UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; M-NLEW-14 @ MP142.44 - Colorado St gc; Bremond, TX
9/16/2024: UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; M-FWSA-16 @ MP144.37 - CR274; Bremond, TX
9/16/2024: UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; M-FWSA-16 @ SH7 - Washington St gc; Kosse, TX
9/16/2024: UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; M-FWSA-16 @ MP170 - Groesbeck, TX
9/16/2024: LORAM DC-7 / LMIX 207 - Ditcher Cutter @ UP Texoma SU / Ennis SD; MP169.78 - Groesbeck, TX
9/11/24: BNSF U-CAKLSS 8-10B; GREX Slot Train @ MP168.46 - FM 977gc
9/14/2024: BNSF U-SAGDOB 5-13B side dump with large fill train; North Zulch, TX
9/13/2024: N108AE - 1981 Bell Textron 206-L1 "Long Ranger II"@ Flynn VFD; Flynn, TX
9/9/2024: BNSF 966 (H1 Pumpkin) in temporary residence @ MP 168.46 - FM 977 gc; Flynn, TX
9/7/2024: Structure fire (uninhabited); 11637 FM977; Flynn, TX
9/4/2024: BNSF U-CHCCOT 5-26R CWR train @ MP168.46 - FM 977 gc; Flynn, TX
9/4/2024: PRLX 1528 [EMD SW1500] w/ flat spots! @ BNSF Teague Yard; Teague, TX
9/4/2024: RJ Corman 5578 [EMD GP38-2] @ BNSF Teague Yard; Teague, TX
8/31/2024: BNSF 966 (H1 Pumpkin) leading U-HTOHOU 0-06T
8/31/2024: BNSF 6022 (25th Anniversary Unit) on XH-TEAAMY1-31A @ MP168.46 - FM 977 gc; Flynn, TX
6/20/24: New York City Tunnel Authority engravers master plate; American Bank Note 81538
5/25/2024: UP 8865 (wb manifest) @ MP766.0 - Neches River Vertical Lift Bridge; Beaumont, TX
5/25/2024: CPKC Track Inspector @ MP766.0 - Neches River Vertical Lift Bridge; Beaumont, TX
5/25/2024: UP 4044 (wb manifest) @ MP766.0 - Neches River Vertical Lift Bridge; Beaumont, TX
5/25/2024: KCS M281 (KCS 4752) (eb manifest) @ MP766.0 - Neches River Vertical Lift Bridge; Beaumont, TX
5/25/2024: CN 2772 (wb manifest) @ MP766.0 - Neches River Vertical Lift Bridge; Beaumont, TX
5/25/2024: CP 7050 (eb manifest) @ MP766.0 - Neches River Vertical Lift Bridge; Beaumont, TX
5/25/2024: UP 8418 (eb manifest) @ MP766 - Neches River Vertical Lift Bridge; Beaumont, TX
5/25/2024: CP 8932 (wb unit - veg oil) @ MP766.0 - Neches River Vertical Lift Bridge; Beaumont, TX
5/25/2024: NS 9977 (eb manifest) @ MP766.0 - Neches River Vertical Lift Bridge; Beaumont, TX
5/25/2024: UP 8095 (eb manifest) @ MP766.0 - Neches River Vertical Lift Bridge; Beaumont, TX
5/25/2024: CPKC 2816 "Empress" (MLW 4-6-4 "Hudson") @ MP766.0 Neches River Vertical Lift Bridge; Beaumont, TX
2024:04:08 - Total Solar Eclipse; Killeen, TX
3/21/2024: Casualties of an 'oopsie' @ Bryan, TX
2/27/2024: BNSF O-IRBCSY 2-27A Office Car Special @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
2/18/2024: BNSF Teague Yard w/ BNSF #109 [EMD GP60M-3] @ Teague, TX
2/18/2024: BNSF #6022 - 25th Anniversary Unit leading the C-BKMDON 0-04A @ Teague, TX
2/9/2024: BNSF H-TEAEGW1-08A w/ CEFX leaser & nice loads @ MP159.36 - OSR gc; Normangee, TX
2/4/2024: BNSF G-BSBPTN9-31A (sb grain) @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
1/29/2024: HUGE fire at Feather Crest Farms; Kurten, TX
12/23/2023: TSR 126 [EMD FP9] cab ride Polar Express; Palestine - Jarvis,TX & return
12/2/2023: BNSF #1029 [GE Dash 9-44CW] H1 Pumpkin leading the H-TEAEGW(?) @ MP168.46 - FM 977gc; Flynn
ca. 1981; FDNY TL114, L 48, E228, L81 (SI); unk location, Brooklyn, NY
ca. 1981: FDNY TL105, L122 @ 105 7th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
4/17/2016: Yellow Bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius); Kelly Corners, NY
10/11/23: *MORE* MOW tie hoppers on the Flynn Siding; plus a couple passing through; Flynn, TX
10/22/2023: ex-Amtrak Express on H-TEAAMY 1-22A w/ CSX leader @ MP168.5 - Flynn, TX
1995: SEPTA LRV's; Philadelphia, PA
10/22/2012: Red Fox Kit (Vulpes vulpes); Margaretville, NY
11/2005: EMDX 76 [EMD SD70M-2 Demo); Kingston NY
5/20/2016: FDNY Fireboats & Marine Respone
1991 - My first attempt at "art" photography
7/12/2009: Slate colored Junco (Junco hyemalis); Margaretville, NY
8/2005: HLCX 6211 [EMD SD40-2] @ Kingston Yard; Kingston, NY
8/11/2005: CSX CP90 siding (nb) dwarf signal; Kingston, NY
8/2005: CSX 5833 [GE B23-7] kicking cars in Kingston Yard; Kingston, NY
ca. 1998: Margaretville VFD NY; MVA, Kelly Corners, NY
ca. 1991-94: FDNY Apartment Fire (construction); Brooklyn, NY
10/8/1992: FDNY structure fire; 2 story Residential; Brooklyn, NY
1993: Structure Fire; 2 story residential; Avenue S; Brooklyn, NY
11/27/1993: FDNY structure fire; Chinese Restaurant; Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY
6/11/1996; Shell Petroleum Refinery; Sewaren, NJ
2023:10:14 - Annular Solar Eclipse; Flynn, TX
2023:10:08 - Take 2: "Sol", "Helios", the "Sun"; with sunspots
2023:10:07 - "Sol", "Helios", the "Sun"; with sunspots; Flynn, TX
9/27/2023: Slumbering Steam in Palestine; TX
9/3/2023: Aerial Fire Suppression Helos @ Game Preserve Fire; Huntsville, TX
9/27/2023: TSR #7 [ALCo RS2, 5/1949] shovin' the goods; Palestine, TX
9/27/2023: TSR #30 [BLW 2-8-2, 10/1917: Freight pays the bills!
9/25/2023: Window love from the conductor of the H-TEAEGW 1-25 @ MP168.46 -b FM977gc; Flynn, TX
9/24/2023: KRL 164003 (16 axle SHD depressed center flat) on H-TEAAMY 1-24 @ MP159.36 - OSR gc; Normangee, TX
9/11/2023: BNSF #5869 - 25th Anniversary Unit / H-TEAAMY1-11A @ MP168.5 - Flynn, TX
9/5/2023: BNSF U-IRBAVO 5-05Z Geo train at dusk @ MP168.5 - Flynn, TX
9/4/2023: NS leaders on the +H-TEAAMY 1-04A @ MP159.36 - OSR gc; Normangee, TX
9/3/2023: Aerial Fire Suppression Helos @ Game Preserve Fire; Huntsville, TX
8/28/2023: BNSF MOW Tie Hoppers on the Flynn House Track; Flynn, TX
8/28/2023: BNSF L-RDV8141-28I w/ H1 leader @ MP 168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
8/23/2023: BNSF U-TULTCY 5-22Z Geometry Train @ MP 168.5 - Flynn, TX
6/28/2023: BNSF L-RDV8141-28I Teague Local @ MP168.5 - Flynn House Track, Flynn, TX
6/24/2023: BNSF D-TEABNT 4-24M (light engines) @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
6/17/23: HLCX 1039 [EMD GP38-2] @ MP168.46 - FM 977 gc; Flynn, TX
5/12/2023: Temple Railroad & Heritage Museum; Temple, TX
5/12/2023: BNSF Temple Locomotive Servicing Facility; Temple, TX
5/12/2023: BUGX 1270 [NRE 3GS21B] on H-TEAEGW, Flynn, TX
4/17/2023: L-RDV8141-17I - Teague local draggin' MOW hoppers @MP168.5 - Flynn, TX
4/25/2023: BNSF Red River D / Houston SD; FM 977 grade crossing 597159U damaged; Flynn, TX by low boy tractor trailer; Flynn, TX
5/5/2023: Texas Utilities (Luminant) - Kosse Lignite Mine; Kosse, TX
5/5/2023: Austin Western RR (Watco); McNeil, TX
5/5/2023: UP South Texas SU / Austin SD: MLDNL-04 @ MP166 - McNeil Junction, TX
5/5/2023: UP South Texas SU / Austin SD: LAW21-05 @ MP166 - McNeil Junction, TX
5/5/2023: UP South Texas SU / Austin SD: LAW21-05 @ MP166 - McNeil Junction; McNeil, TX
5/5/2023: UP South Texas SU / Austin SD: McNeil Junction, TX
5/5/2023: UP South Texas SU / Austin SD: RDTFIC-05 @ MP166 - McNeil Junction, TX
5/5/2023: UP South Texas SU / Austin SD: RDTFIC-05 @ CPQ 173 - Sneed; Austin, TX
5/5/2023: Austin CapMetro @ Howard Station; McNeil, TX
5/5/2023: Austin CapMetro @ McNeil Jct Flyover; McNeil, TX
4/23/2023: NS AC44C6M w/ LORAM MOW exports to MRS (Brazil) leading the H-TEAAMY 1-23A; Normangee-Iola, TX
4/11/2023: NS SD70ACu leading the H-TEAAMY 1-11A through Flynn - MP168.46 - FM977 gc; Flynn, TX
3/29/2023: ATSF 74563 - Ga 144 class Gondola @ Flynn, TX
3/14/2023: An interesting AMY; 4 axles and artwork @ Normangee & North Zulch, TX
3/13/2023: #7 - Eli Pickering (P) - Normangee Panthers 16 vs Brazos Valley Mustangs 6; Normangee, TX
2/23/2023: U-FXXCRS 1-23A @ MP168.5 @ MP168.5 - Flynn House Track; Flynn, Tx
3/8/2023: BNSF 6179 "25th Anniversary" "sticker" unit @ Normangee & North Zulch, TX
3/4/2023: #7 - Eli Pickering (CF) Game 1: Normangee Panthers 8 vs Frost Polar Bears 12 @ Bremond, TX
3/4/2023: #7 - Eli Pickering (P) Game 2: Normangee Panthers 0 vs Rockdale Tigers 14 @ Bremond, TX
2/24/2023: Another ex-SSW assigned to the Bryan local, Bryan, TX
2/16/2023: BNSF 7777 [GE ES44DC] leading H-TEAEGW 1-15A @ MP168.46 - Flynn, TX
2/15/2023: U-CHIAVO 5-11Z Geometry Train @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
2/11/2023: Another first! U-AVNIRB 5-10G Weed sprayer train @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn
2/5/2023: Ohio DE650 Special; ATSF 199461 / X1405518 @ MP125.10 - Shiro House Track; Shiro, TX
1/27/2023: Great blue heron (Ardea herodias); Normangee, TX
1/27/2023: More NREX's off to the dismantler on the H-TEAEGW 1-26A @ Flynn & Normangee, TX
12/20/2022: Part 3: U-DUNSXX5-17G; Tie Production Gang enroute to TMPA / Iola, TX
12/17/2022: Herzog MPMXXXIII on Flynn Siding - MP168.9; Flynn, TX
12/16/2022: Part 2: Herzog MPMXXXIII (HZGX 201)[Relco RLMW 2000A] on Flynn Siding - MP168.9; Flynn, TX
12/14/2022: BNSF H-TEAEGW 1-14A w/ Fakebonnet 795 leader @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
12/9/2022: BNSF U-GATTEA 6-09Z Geometry Train @ MP204 - Teague Yard, Teague, TX
12/9/2022: BNSF U-GATTEA 6-09Z Geometry Train @ MP184.57 - private gc; Newby, TX
12/9/2022: BNSF U-GATTEA 6-09Z Geometry Train @ MP171.9 - CR417; Flynn, TX
12/1/2022: Pumpkin leading the H-TEADYT @ MP166.67 - private gc; Flynn, TX
11/26/2022: CP 7005 [PR SD70ACU - ex SD9043MAC] @ Newby, TX
11/21/2022: H-TEAEGW1-21A w/ NREX (former SD45's - ex-UP/SP) locos; MP165.0 - Flynn to MP139.0 - Iola, TX
11/14/2022: An AMY with MRAP's in the rain; Normangee, TX
10/20/2022: BNSF Exec Leader 9727 on the empty Donie @ MP165, MP159.6 - Normangee, TX
10/14/2013: CP Freight Main CP930 & CP935; Oneonta, NY.
10/15/2013: Moo! Roxbury, NY
10/15/2013: Roxbury NY VFD; Chimney Fire @ CR8 & SR30; Roxbury, NY
10/7/2022: Fortescue Metals Group (W. Australia) Export Units, BNSF Pile Driver MOW on H-TEAAMY1-07A @ MP159.36 - OSR gc; Normangee, TX
8/18/2022: Cerrajón Mining 1026 [GE ES44AC] (Columbia) Export Unit on H-TEAAMY1-18 @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
7/25/2022: BNSF U-NOYPTN 1-18A (empty wind blade carriers) @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
7/25/2022: BNSF Q-CHIROB 6-20M @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
7/25/2022: N559AE; 2015 Bell Textron Canada 206L-4; Flynn, TX
7/13/2022: NS4043 (AC44C6M) leading H-TEADYT @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
Idlewild "IDL" Airport Baggage Destination Tags
6/12/2022: BNSF G-SNAPTN w/ CN leader @ North Zulch, TX
6/7/2022: Exports on the AMY; H-TEAAMY 1-07; Normangee & N. Zulch, TX
6/6/2022: Multi Agencies; 10-50 MVA w/ entrapment & fatalities; I-45 - Leona, TX
5/22/2022: NS & CSX lead the H-TEAEGW 1-22A @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
5/20/2022: Indian blanket (Gaillardia pulchella) with Honey bee (Apis mellifera Linnaeus)
5/21/2022: Variegated Fritillary Butterfly (Euptoieta claudia); Flynn, TX
5/21/2022: PRLX 4053 [GE B23-7] on H-TEAEGW @ Flynn, TX
5/21/2022: Kinder Morgan (KMTX) #2022 25th Anniversary Unit [EMD SD45 / SD40M-2r]; Flynn, TX
2022:05:15 - Total Lunar Eclipse; Flynn, TX
4/29/2022 - BNSF Geometry Train; U-TULNWO 5-27Z @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
4/3/2022: Caboose on the AMY! TEXX 101 @ Flynn, Normangee, North Zulch, TX
3/30/2022: Crested caracara (Caracara plancus); Flynn, TX
3/30/2022: Marion 8200 - Jewett Lignite Mine (Texas Westmoreland Mining); Jewett, TX
3/30/2022: BNSF ex-GP30 2744 [REMD GP39-2] @ Teague Yard, TX
3/30/2022: Mixed Bag on the H-TEAAMY1-30A; 157.75 Batson Loop Road gc, Normangee, TX
3/25/2022: Kinder Morgan KMTX 404 (EMD SW1500), Flynn - Singleton, TX
3/13/2022: BNSF 9725 [EMD SD70MACe] leading H-TEAPTX 01-13A @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
3/12/2022: FXE 4643 'Zebra' on U-CAKBNT 0-08T @ MP168.5 - Flynn, TX
2/26/2022: Rainy day reprieve: Fakebonnets elephant style; Normangee & North Zulch, TX
7/5/2014: DirectTV Blimp; N154ZP; Bound Brook, NJ
2/23/2022 - Lowboy shenanigans - damaged crossing @ MP168.46 - FM977 gc; Flynn, TX
2/15/2022: N388PH - 2008 Eurocopter EC135P2+ @ St Joseph Hospital; College Station, TX
2/21/2022: BNSF H-TEADYT 1-20A @ various; Flynn, TX
2/16/2022: BNSF H-TEAAMY 1-16A @ MP168.46 - FM 977gc; Flynn, TX
2/4/2022: GC Collision @ Normangee!! H-TEAEGW1-03A hits a truck
1/11/2022: BNSF Geometry Train U-HOUTEA 11Z @ Flynn & Newby, TX
1/6/2022: Startin' the New Year off on the right foot: BNSF 5K, CP, and two Standard Cabs
The Ben Collection (tip of the iceberg)
12/4/2021: Interesting morning to say the least - evading police; Flynn, TX
12/2/2021: Skål to SKOL 4123! (WAMX) South Kansas & Oklahoma RR [EMD SD40-2] @ Flynn, Normangee & North Zulch; TX
12/1/2021: BNSF L-RDV8141-02 Teague Local (nb) @ MP168.5 - Flynn, TX
11/24/2021: Nice lash up: GECX 2040 & BNSF 3177 [EMD GP50] on H-TEADYT 1-24A; North Zulch; TX
11/14/2021: GATX / GMTX 2670 [EMD GP38] & FXE 4064; Flynn, Normangee, N. Zulch, TX
11/1/2021: Playing tag with the Herzog MPM38 @ Flynn, TX
10/30/2021: She's back! Herzog MPMXXXVIII @ Margie & Newby, TX
10/23/2021: U-TULNWO 5-20Z Geometry Train @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
10/21/2021: Standard Cabs; BNSF 2567 [GP39-3] & 1606 [SD40-2]
10/11/2021: H-HOUTUL 1-09A w/ NS 1809 [EMD SD70ACC] @ MP 168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
10/1/2021: BNSF U-KCMGAT 5-28Z (sb Geometry Car) @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
8/4/2021: The Teague Local shifts a car from Flynn Siding to Flynn House Track - MP168.5 - Flynn, TX
9/13/2021: BNSF Fakebonnet 4706 [GE C44-9W] @ MP159.69 - Normangee, TX
8/26/2021: CN 3200 "Aboriginal Relations" unit; BNSF Houston Subdivision, Normangee & North Zulch, TX
8/2/2021: BNSF standard cab leaders elephant style on the H-TEAAMY 1-02A; Normangee to Singleton, TX
7/23/2021: L-RDV8141 Teague Local @ MP168.46; Flynn, TX
6/2/21: Close Call! Near crane topple on tamper pick. Flynn, TX
6/18/2021: BNSF Geometry Train @ MP 168.69 - NSS Flynn; Flynn, TX.
7/11/2021: CP Golden Beaver; I got stuck in the #$%ing mud for this!
7/20/2021: BNSF 2818 [EMD GP39-2] ex-UP 871 [GP30] @ North Zulch, TX
5/29/2021: Flynn VFD; 1 car MVA w/ fire; CR 450; Flynn, TX
Idlewild "IDL" Airport - Baggage Destination Tags
5/27/2021: Ternium 152 and 155 [EMD SW9/SW1200] @ North Zulch, TX
Amtrak; Ephemeral
Amtrak; Regional & Route Timetables, Travel Guides & Tourism Books; 1971- present
Amtrak; National / System Timetables 1971-2016
Commuter Railroad Ephemera from the New York City Region: PC / CR / MN / LIRR
NYC; Transit Tokens; pre & post-Unification
NYCBoT / NYCTA; Bus "Route" Transfers & Add-A-Ride Tickets
NYCBoT / NYCTA; Streetcar / Trolley "Line" Tickets & Transfers
NYC & NYCTA; Student / School / Pupil Passes (reduced fare & free)
NYC; pre-Unification Transit Tickets & Passes (pre-1940)
NYCTA; post-Unification Tickets & Transfers
NYCTA; MetroCards
5/24/2021: U-TEATCY 5-24Z Geometry Train @ MP 168.50 - Flynn Siding; Flynn, TX
NYCTA; Subway & Bus Maps
5/11/2021: BNSF H-TEADYT 1-11A - Elephants on Parade @ MP168.46 - FM977gc, Flynn TX
5/1/2021: Schnable! (albeit unladen) - 1/2 off the bucket list
4/21/2021: Another first! HZGX 207 [Relco 2000A] @ Flynn, TX
4/21/2021: RDV8141-21 Teague Local @ MP 168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
4/8/2021: EMDX 7216 [EMD / Progress SD70ACe-T4] on H-TEAEGW1-08A; North Zulch to Iola, TX
4/7/2021: BNSF E-DONBTM 03 w/ BNSF 9318; "Thundercab" leader @ MP 168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
4/18/2016: unpatched Delaware & Hudson covered hoppers @ Lutz Feed; Oneonta, NY
3/28/2021: UP S-FRBT-25 (DODX special; Ft. Riley, KS to Beaumont, TX @ Hearne Yard & MP2.4 - Old Mumford Road; Hearne, TX
3/28/2021: UP LAB46-28 (Hearne Local) / UP 1943 @ Hearne Yard / Giddings SD - MP1.4
3/28/2021: UP LAB46-28 (Hearne Local) / UP 1943 @ Giddings SD - MP2.4 - GATX Hearne switch; Hearne, TX
7/10/1981: New Jersey DOT "Pennsylvania" 4877 GG1 [Altoona 1/1939]; Sunnyside Yard, Queens, NY
3/21/2021: Liebherr LTM-1400-7.1 500 ton all terrain telescoping crane (Deep South Rigging); College Station, TX
3/21/2021: UP M-PBSP-20 @ MP74.25 - F&B Siding; College Station, TX
3/21/2021: UP M-EWSS-20 (with a nice assortment of pre UP merger flags) @ MP74.25 - F&B Siding; College Station, TX
3/21/2021: UP M-NLBW-20 @ MP74.25 - F&B Siding; College Station, TX
3/21/2021: UP GS-HONI-20 @ MP74.25 - F&B Siding; College Station, TX
3/21/2021: UP UE-VHTG-16 @ MP74.25 - F&B Siding; College Station, TX
3/21/2021: UP M-FWEW-20 @ MP74.25 - F&B Siding; College Station, TX
3/21/2021: UP M-EWTO-21 (6545) @ MP74.25 - F&B Siding; College Station, TX
3/21/2021: 6) UP 4141 Pick & Set; College Station, TX
3/21/2021: 5) Deep South Rigging sets up their cranes; College Station, TX
3/21/2021: UP 1943 "The Spirit"; [EMD/Progress SD70AH] @ MP74.25 - F&B Road; College Station, TX
3/21/2021: 4) UP 4141 "decompressing"; College Station, TX
3/21/2021: 3) UP 4141 Corporate & Broadcast Media w/ Crew; College Station, TX
3/21/2021: 2) UP 4141 is set out; College Station, TX
3/21/2021: 1) UP 4141 arrives tarped and dead in tow by UP 1943 for physical transfer to the Bush Presidential Library; College Station
3/19/2021: UP 6377 on H-TEAAMY1-19A @ MP153.50 - North Zulch, TX
3/16/2021: NS 1065 Savannah & Atlanta Heritage Unit @ MP184.57 - Newby, TX
3/15/2021: Oversize transformer load: GSZX 12602 on the H-TEAAMY1-15A (chase); North Zulch - Singleton, TX
3/12/2021: "Snoot nose" SD40-2: BNSF 1903 @ MP185.23 - FM3501 gc; Newby, TX
3/6/2021: NS 1806 SD70ACC (DC to AC Conversion) on H-TEAAMY1-06A @ MP157.75 - Batson Loop gc; Normangee, TX
2/6/2021: BNSF H-SSBTEA w/ KCS 4687 & BNSF 1422 [EMD SD60M] @ MP176.58 - CR 348 gc; Concord, TX
1/27/2021: UP 1983 Western Pacific Heritage Unit (midtrain DPU) @ MP 36.30 - I-45 og; Buffalo, TX
1/25/2021: "Coming back to the roost" BNSF Ballast & Tamping Crew @ MP168.5 - Flynn Siding & House Track
1/26/2021: BNSF Tec / Geometry Train (U-IRBNWO 5-25Z) @ MP168.5 - Flynn, TX
1/22/2021: BNSF Ballast Tamping & Profile Gang - "Over and above" @ MP174.92 - FM 39 og; Concord, TX
1/21/2021: "All the live long day.." BNSF Ballast Tamping & Profiling Crew @ MP151.8 - SSS Zulch; North Zulch, TX
1/14/2021: Close! Very close.. MP54.65 - TX 7 gc; Marquez, TX
1/11/2021: U-HTOORR 0-01 @ MP168.5 - Flynn, TX
1/11/2021: Sequential Sisters on the H-TEAAMY 1-11A @ MP 168.5 - Flynn, Texas
1/10/2021: H-TEAPTX 1 -10A - first train through after the great 2021 snowstorm; Flynn, TX
1/10/2021: AMY dashing through the snow, in a 4000hp ACe; Flynn, TX
1/10/2021: U-CAKBNT (Herzog Ballast Train) on Flynn Siding; BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; MP168.46 - Flynn, TX
12/9/2020: Catch 'em while they last - BNSF 622 Warbonnet; MP153.5 - North Zulch, TX
1/6/2021: BNSF 4141 (GHWB Incognito - U-KARCAK 9-05A) @ 168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
1/6/2021: BNSF 1722 / 1947 (L-RDV8141-06 Teague Local) runnin' lite @ MP 168.46 - Flynn, TX
1/1/2021: Multi Agencies; Structure fire, occupied residential (no injuries), CR391; Concord, TX
11/15/2020: CN 5630 Class GF640a [EMD SD70I] on H-TEAAMY @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
11/04/2020: BNSF nb manifest w/ SD40-2's 1761 (Bluebonnet) & 1947 @ MP178.30 - CR391gc; Concord, TX
11/13/2020: BNSF 9650 [EMD SD70MAC] (Exec w/ nose pumpkin); Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; Flynn & Normangee; TX
11/9/2020: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-TEAAMY 1-09A @ MP168.5 - Flynn, TX
10/18/2020: BNSF #187 [EMD GP60] Bluebonnet @ MP157.75 - Normangee, TX
10/19/2020: BNSF 98038 - Brandt moving 2 ballast hoppers; MP168.5 - Flynn & 159.56 - Normangee, TX
10/26/2020: SD70MAC Exec unit on the Teague local @ MP185.23 - FM3501 gc; Newby, TX
9/14/2020: N388PH - 2008 Eurocopter EC135P2+ @ St Joseph Hospital; Bryan, TX
10/13/2020: N494PH - 1999 Bell 407 - PHI Air Medical @ Flynn VFD, TX
10/7/2020: BNSF 7777 on H-LALTEA1-06A @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
10/6/2020: BNSF nb Manifest w/ some nice cars
10/5/2020: Loram LMRX 432 (SBC-32) Shoulder Ballast Cleaner @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
9/20/2020: Hilltop TX VFD; Aircraft crash w/ casualties @ Hilltop Lakes Airport (0TE4); TX
9/19/2020: BNSF #256 [EMD SD75M] (H-TEADYT1-19A) @ MP 168.5 - Flynn, TX
8/23/2020: BNSF 6666 @ MP151.8 - SSS Zulch
8/26/2020: U-CAKKAR 8-25B preposition for Hurricane Laura repairs @ MP139 - TMPA; Iola, TX
8/24/2020: Leona VFD; Out of Fuel, controlled landing; Leona Texas
8/17/2020: Multi Agencies: Structure Fire (occupied residential); East First St, Normangee, TX
8/13/2020: KRL 8401; depressed center flat; FD8; MP165.0 - Flynn, TX
8/10/2020: Southern Pacific #4733 caboose; Texas City Junction, TX
8/7/2020: NS 1842 [EMD SD70ACC] on H-TEADYT1-07; North Zulch, TX
7/21/2020: Comet Neowise & the H-TEAAMY; Flynn, TX
7/26/2020: QTTX 131113; 12 axle shd flat; Normangee, TX
7/24/2020: Light engines at SSS & NSS Zulch; North Zulch, TX
7/24/2020: Bluebonnet on the TEAAMY! North Zulch, TX
2020:07:21 - Comet Neowise C/2020 F3 with aircraft, satellite, and railroad; Flynn, TX
7/20/2020 - Comet Neowise & the BNSF; Flynn, TX
2020:07:20 - Comet Neowise C/2020 F3 & BNSF @ Flynn, TX
2020:07:19 - Big Dipper (Ursa Major); Flynn, TX
2013:05:21 - Shelf Cloud; Flynn, TX
2011:06:08 - Sheet Lightning; Halcottsville, NY halcottvile
2018:03:18 - Thunderstorm cell & lightning at night, Flynn, TX
2020:07:18 - Comet Neowise - C/2020 F3
2020:07:15 - Comet Neowise - C/2020 F3; Flynn, TX
2020:07:13 - Meade Collimator!
2020:07:11 - Me at the 'scope waiting for sunset
2020:07:11 - Solar shadows @ sunset; Flynn, TX
2020:07:11 - Jupiter, Io, Ganymede, Europa, Callisto; Flynn, TX
2020:07:11 - Saturn (before collimation): Flynn, TX
2020:07:13 - Saturn! (after collimation); Flynn, TX
2020:07:11 - Moon; waning gibbous
1997:03:23 - Lunar Eclipse, Lunar Crater details
2000:12:25 - Annular Solar Eclipse; Arkville, NY
1997:02:23 - Comet Hale-Bopp C/1995 O1; Kelly Corners, NY
1996:03:16 - Comet Hyakutake - C/1996 B2
2018:09:30 - Rainbow; Jewett, TX
2015:10:07 - Parhelion / Sun Dog / Mock Sun; Marlboro, NY
2015:09:27 - Harvest Supermoon Lunar Eclipse; Kelly Corners, NY
6/1/2020: BNSF L-RDV8141-01 dropping 50 ton Ohio derrick off at Flynn House Track - MP168.58; Flynn, TX
4/24/2020: BNSF H-TEAAMY 1-24: a little bit o' everything; Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; Normangee, TX
4/4/2020: NS 7715 leading H-LALTEA1-03 @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
3/13/2020: Rare Q-CHIROB 6-10 (sb IM) on BNSF Red River Division Houston Subdivision; MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
3/11/2020: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; RDV8141 Teague Local with BNSF 195 [EMD GP60 Bluebonnet] and BNSF 1889 [EMD SD40-2 in Heritage 1] @ Flynn, TX
1/23/2020: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; BNSF 5173 (sb lite engine) @ MP168
12/26/2019: More Kasgro: a pair of FM12's: KRL 370358, 370361; Normangee, TX
12/19/2019: KRL 16801 (16 shd drop center on H-TEAAMY1-19A @ MP145.63 - private gc; Cross, TX
12/15/2019: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; BNSF 7484 (sb mani) w/ cripple car @ MP153.48; North Zulch, TX
11/18/2019: UP Gulf Coast Service Unit / Hearne Subdivision; LHA-41 @ MP45.50 - Nucor; Jewett, TX
11/18/2019: BNSF 174 [EMD GP60] on L-RDV8141-18 @ Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; MP189.75 - Stratum Cut; Donie, TX
11/18/2019: BNSF 174 [EMD GP60] on L-RDV8141-18 @ Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; MP184.57 - private gc; Newby, TX
11/9/2019: UP 4014 "Big Boy" / P-BRPA 2-09 @ US190/SH 6 og; Hearne, TX
11/9/2019: UP 4014 "Big Boy" / P-BRPA 2-09 @ Gulf Coast SU / Hearne SD: MP43.80 - Division St gc; Jewett, TX
11/9/2019: UP 4014 "Big Boy" / P-BRPA 2-09 @ Gulf Coast SU / Hearne SD: MP36.30 - I-45 og
11/9/2019: UP 4014 "Big Boy" / P-BRPA 2-09 @ South Texas SU / Giddings SD: MP005.48 - Catalina Road; Mumford, Texas
11/8/2019: UP 4014 "Big Boy" / P-HOBR 2-08 @ Gulf Coast SU / Navasota SD: MP71.25 - UP Harvey Mitchell og; College Station, Texas
11/2/2019: UP South Texas SU / Giddings SD & Gulf Coast SU / Navasota SD; I-YCMX @ CPQ991 - Mumford; Mumford, Texas
11/2/2019: UP Texoma Service Unit / Ennis Subdivision: C-CDSA @ HL123 - Seger; Seger, TX
11/2/2019: Waiting for trains that didn't come @ Hammond, TX
11/2/2019: GATX Tank Car Facility, Hearne - Hearne, Texas
11/3/2019: BNSF Geometry Train; 8198, 808387, 92 @ MP 168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
11/1/2019: Teague Local Crew scavenging power off H-LALTEA@ MP168.9 - NSS Flynn; Flynn, Texas
10/31/2019: H-TEAKAR; Conventional Cabs! BNSF 1606 / 1611 (Bluebonnet) @ MP 168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
10/12/2019: MVPX 3452 [EMD SW1500] on the H-HOUTUL @ MP184.8 - Newby, TX
10/4/2019: Two 3GS21B on H-HOUTUL8-23A @ MP168.58 - Flynn House Track Turnout; Flynn, TX
9/24/2019: Multi Agencies; Structure Fire (occupied residential); fully involved - CR484 & FM39; Normangee, TX
9/11/2019: DOT/FRA Office of Safety Cars [DOTX 219, 223] on F-T219 1-11A w/ UP9014 [EMD SD70AH] on BNSF @ Newby, TX
9/2/2019: An autorack on the Houston SD! V-FTMPEA 3-29A @ MP159.69 - Normangee House Track; Normangee, TX
8/23/2019: Rise 'n shine! 20 axles before breakfast: O-TEACAS 5 23Z Geometry Train @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
8/31/19: LASX 1002 [EMD SW1000] on H-HOUTUL @ MP185.23 - FM 3051 gc; Newby, TX
8/5/2019: LORAM export to Adelaide, Australia on H-TEAAMY - Part 2
8/3/2019: LORAM export to Adelaide Australia on the AMY!
8/1/2019: SF Bluebonnet & BN Cascade Green SD40-2, BNSF GP50 & 39-3: 8 locos @ Newby, TX
7/25/2019: UP LHR-49 Bryan Local @ CPQ 077 - Bush Jct; Bryan, TX
7/29/2019: BNSF "Commerce" SD60M w/ identity crisis and an SD60M Triclops @ Flynn, TX
6/18/2019: Ohio 65 ton Locomotive Crane [s/n 5140] - BN 975431 @ MP168.5 - Flynn House Track; Flynn, TX
5/18/2019: 1905 wood Pennsylvania RR caboose; College Station, TX
2019:06:09 - Mammatocumulus; Flynn, TX
6/17/2019: Ohio 65 ton Locomotive Crane [s/n 5140] - BN 975431 @ MP168.5 - Flynn House Track; Flynn, TX
Friendly faces through Beaumont
4/20/2019: The sun sets on a great day of railfanning in Beaumont, TX!
4/20/2019: KCS Southwest Division / Beaumont Subdivision; KCS 2MSZSH 16 gets the light to proceed @ MP 766.25 - Orleans Street og; Beaumont, TX
4/20/2019: KCS Southwest Division / Beaumont Subdivision; O-SUKC 19 passing 2MSZSHJ 16 @ MP 766.25 - Orleans Street og Beaumont, TX
4/20/2019: KCS Southwest Division / Beaumont Subdivision; Y-BM100 passing sym? @ MP 766.25 - Orleans Street og
4/20/2019: KCS Southwest Division / Beaumont Subdivision; KCS Y-BM100 @ MP766.25 - Orleans Street og; Beaumont, TX
4/20/2019: KCS Southwest Division / Beaumont Subdivision; UE-GKJK-20 @ MP766.25 - Orleans Street og; Beaumont, TX
4/20/2019: KCS Southwest Division / Beaumont Subdivision; KCS M-SHPA 20; grey KCS MP15 and a new Tier 4 @ Beaumont, TX
4/20/2019: Amtrak #1 "Sunset Limited" @ MP766.25 - Orleans Street og; Beaumont, TX
4/20/2019: KCS Southwest Division / Beaumont Subdivision; UP M-AVEW @ MP766.25 - Orleans Street gc; Beaumont, TX
4/20/2019: GMTX/GATX 2157 (ex-CRIP) leads KCS L-LG12 @ MP766.25 - Orleans Street gc; Beaumont, TX
4/20/2019: KCS Southwest Division / Beaumont Subdivision; UP M-LKBT @ MP766.25 - Orleans St og; Beaumont, TX
4/20/2019: DODX / US Army 31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade, 4th Batt / 3rd Reg to Al Udeid Air Base; Qatar @ Port of Beaumont, TX
4/20/2019: Street running, Beaumont style! BNSF U-OKCBNT @ MP0.72 Willow Street gc; Red River Division / Silsbee Subdivision; Beaumont, TX
4/20/2019: KCS Southwest Division / Beaumont Subdivision; UP M-AGLI @ MP766.25 - Orleans Street og; Beaumont, TX
4/20/2019: KCS Southwest Division / Beaumont Subdivision; KCS Y-BM100? @ MP766.25 - Orleans Street og; Beaumont, TX
4/20/2019: KCS Southwest Division / Beaumont Subdivision; UP UE-GJKG-K @ MP766.25- Orleans St og; Beaumont, TX
4/11/2019: Three french hens, two turtle doves.. H-TEAAMY on BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; North Zulch, TX
4/8/2019: N429PH - 2007 Bell 407; PHI Air Medical @ Flynn VFD; TX
4/7/2019: 3 shrinkwrapped NREX on BNSF H-TEAAMY@ MP168.46 - FM 977 gc; Flynn, TX
4/1/2019: O-TEAHOU-01 (Geometry Train) @ MP153 - NSS Zulch & MP151.8 - SSS Zulch; North Zulch, TX
3/27/2019: RDV8141-27 dropping MOW hoppers for tie crew @ MP168.5 - Flynn House Track; Flynn, TX
3/22/2019: BNSF 3117 [EMD GP25-2] @ BNSF Teague Yard; Teague, TX
3/21/2019: BNSF 1522 [EMD GP28-2R] @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
3/18/2019: BNSF H-PTNTUL @ MP168.9 - NSS Flynn; Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; Flynn, TX
3/11/2019: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-TEADYT 1-11A @ MP168.46 - Flynn, TX
3/8/2019: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-TEADYT 1-08A @ MP126.54 - CR227gc; Shiro; TX
3/8/2019: BNSF U-MAOCTR 5 07G, Red River Division / Houston Subdivision @ MP139.0 - TMPA; Iola, TX
3/7/2019: N248AE - 1985 Bell 206L-3; Air Evac EMS: Flynn, TX
3/6/2019: Standard Cabs (trailing) on H-TEAAMY @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
3/4/2019: BNSF 256 [EMD SD75M] on H-TEADYT 1 04 @ MP162.8 Flynn & MP159.6 Normangee, TX
3/1/2019: CN 3148 [GE ET44AC] (EF-644ca) @ MP168.5; Flynn, TX
2/28/2019: CB&Q 160729; Open Hopper (tie service); Newby, TX
2/25/2019: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-TEADYT @ MP168.9 - NSS Flynn; Flynn, TX
2/25/2019: 1942/1943 Rolling Mill Marks for Main Track in Flynn; Flynn, TX
2/25/2019: Tie Handling Crew takes Flynn Siding; Flynn, TX
2/25/2019: Tie Handling Crew p/u at MP172; Margie, TX
2/23/2019: Virginia & Maryland; Corinth & Counce, South Branch Valley boxcars on H-PTNTUL @ SSS Newby - MP184.2; Newby, TX
8/1980: Conrail; Hoboken, NJ
5/1969 - CRRNJ; Newark & Elizabeth Branch; NJ
8/1974: Penn Central; Hudson Division; Croton-Harmon Facility, Croton, NY
2/17/2019: BNSF GP39-2 (2895) & IM waste containers on H-TEAAMY @ MP153.48 - North Zulch, TX
2/15/2019: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-TEAAMY1-15 @ MP168.0 - Flynn Frog Pond; Flynn, TX
2/15/2019: KCSdM 4672 (DPU); U-MRCCAK on BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; MP168.00 & MP173.63; Flynn, TX
2/14/2019: Happy Valentines Day from a Southern Belle; Flynn, TX
2/4/2019: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Division; E-DOL... @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
2/4/2019: It's cheating. BNSF 98038 Freightliner / Brandt R4 @ MP168.46 - FM977gc
2/2/2019: BNSF 975431 / X1405431 Ohio Derrick/Pile Driver DE400BN; Normangee, North Zulch & Iola, TX
1/30/2019: Whole lotta power on the TEADYT! BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; Flynn, N Zulch, Iola & Simmons, TX
1/28/2019; BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-TEAAMY w/ 8 axle hd drop center flat @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
1/25/2019: Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-TPLSSB1-25 @ East Wye / MP50; Dobbin, TX
1/24/2019: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-TEAAMY 24 @ MP169.0 - Flynn Frog Pond; Flynn, TX
1/20/2019; Skunked at Hearne; UP Gulf Coast Service Unit / Hearne Subdivision; CP HL120 - Hearne, TX;
1/14/2019: It's the RDV8141 Fan Club. BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision - MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
1/12/2019; CB&Q 38601; XM-32 / B100; 40' boxcar;
1/12/2019: BNSF Red River Division / Teague Yard; Assorted Power; Teague, TX
1/10 & 12/2019: US Army Boeing CH-47(D/F?) "Chinook"; Flynn, TX
1/9/2019: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; RDV8141 09 (Teague Local nb) @ MP168.46 - FM977 gc; Flynn, TX
1/9/2019: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; RDV8141 09 (Teague Local nb) @ MP169 - Flynn Frog Pond; Flynn, TX
1/9/2019: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; RDV8141 09 (Teague Local) @ MP159.56 - Main St gc; Normangee, TX
1/9/2019: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-HOUTUL @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
12/29/2018: Clean up in aisle 4 please; U-BNTCAK @ MP153 - NSS Zulch; North Zulch, TX
12/29/2018: DERAILMENT! BNSF Houston SD; U-BNTCAK @ MP153 - NSS Zulch; North Zulch, TX
12/6/2018: UP P-VMCB2-06 - Bush Funeral Train (advanced section) @ MP71.23 - Harvey Mitchell Pkwy / FM2818 og; College Station, TX
12/6/2018: UP P-WFCS1-06 - Bush Funeral Train / UP 4141 @ MP71.23 - Harvey Mitchell Pkwy / FM2818 og; College Station, TX
12/4/2018: BNSF O-GATTUL2-04A Office Car Special - Red River Division / Houston Subdivision @ MP189.75 - Donie, TX
11/01/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-TEADYT @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
11/23/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; D-TEADYT3-23M (light 7 engine move) MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
11/19/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; D-TEADYT 1-19T (light 5 engine move) @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
11/02/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-TEAEGW @ MP168.46 - FM 977 gc; Flynn, TX
6/1983: Conrail; Central Region; Allegheny A Division; Main Line; MP242 - Horseshoe Curve; Altoona, PA
8/1982: Conrail; Central Region; Allegheny A Division; Main Line; MP242 - Horseshoe Curve; Altoona, PA
3/6/1975: NYCTA 68 [GE 47 Ton]; Coney Island Shops; Brooklyn, NY
11/1965: Long Island Rail Road 35 [G5s] @ Eisenhower Park; East Meadow, NY
6/1971; Ringling Brothers Barnum Bailey Circus Train (Red Unit); @ Penn Central West 30th Street Yard; Manhattan, NY
4/1972; Ringling Brothers Barnum Bailey Circus Train (Blue Unit); @ Penn Central West 30th Street Yard; Manhattan, NY
9/1969; ExpoRail Museum(?); Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
8/27-28/1977: Conrail / Amtrak; Central Region / Allegheny A Division / Main Line; MP236 - Altoona Yard (night), Altoona, PA
8/27/1977: Conrail; Central Region; Allegheny A Division; Main Line; MP242 - Horseshoe Curve; Altoona, PA
8/22/1975: Penn Central; Central Region / Allegheny Division; MP242 -Horseshoe Curve; Altoona, PA
4/6/2018: DART; Dallas Streetcar #301 (BEC Liberty Mondern Streetcar), Houston Street Viaduct; Dallas, TX
4/6/2018 - UP Dallas-Fort Worth Service Unit / Dallas Subdivision; (7637 5310 3966 nb IM) @ CPT216 - Dallas; Dallas, TX
10/13/2018: UP Houston Service Unit / Navasota Subdivision; Z-LBGN @ CPQ077 - Bush Jct; Bryan, TX
10/13/2018: UP 1043 [EMD GP60] @ Bryan Industrial Tracks; Bryan, TX
10/11/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; U-HOUHTO @ MP168.46 - FM977 gc; Flynn, TX
10/5/2018: Clear Signal on a misty night at Flynn
10/5/2018: Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris)
10/5/2018: Black & Yellow Argiope (Argiope aurantia)Black & Yellow Argiope! (Argiope aurantia)
10/4/2018: Double Rainbow; Jewett TX
10/4/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-LALTEA (CREX 1325) @ MP168.00 - Flynn, TX
9/23/2018 - LSLX 1309 [EMD GP9r] Lone Star Locomotive Leasing on H-TEADYT1-23 @ MP151.8 SSS Zulch; North Zulch, TX
8/19/2018: Chesapeake & Ohio #3 "Chapel Hill" (1922 AC&F HW Observation); Rensselaer, NY)
9/16/2018: N429PH - 2007 Bell 407; 10-50 MVA (single auto) w/ Med-Evac; Centerville VFD; Centerville, TX
8/4/2018: Shrinkwrapped NREX 6094 on H-TEAPTX1-04; BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision @ MP157.75 - Batson Loop; Normangee, TX
8/1/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; U-BNTCAK & H-TEAEGW meet @ FM977gc; MP168.46 - Flynn, TX
7/31/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-TEAPTX1-31A @ MP 168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
7/30/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-HOUTUL8-29A @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
NYS&W - Michael DeLuca photos; Philip M. Goldstein collection
7/17/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-TEAPTX (FEC #106) @ MP159.65 - OSR gc; Normangee, TX
7/17/2018: Florida East Coast #106 [EMD SD70M-2] @ MP205 - Teague Yard; Teague, TX
7/6/2018: Freshly outshopped CBFX #1581 [EMD SW1500] on H-TEAAMY; Flynn, TX
Brooklyn Rapid Transit - Track Mileage Book; January 1, 1910
CR - Michael DeLuca photos; Philip M. Goldstein collection
PC - Michael DeLuca photos; Philip M. Goldstein collection
L&HR - Michael DeLuca photos; Philip M. Goldstein collection
EL - Michael DeLuca photos; P. M. Goldstein collection
D&H - Michael DeLuca photos; collection of Philip M. Goldstein collection
6/18/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision: H-TEAPTX @ MP178.30 - CR391gc; Jewett, TX
6/18/2018: BNSF Employee Appreciation Special; O-TEATEA2 @ MP178.30 - CR418gc; Flynn, TX
6/18/2018: BNSF Employee Appreciation Special; O-TEATEA2 @ MP178.30 - CR391gc; Jewett, TX
6/18/2018: BNSF Employee Appreciation Special; O-TEATEA2-18A @ MP169.7 - NSS Flynn; Flynn, TX
6/13/2018: BNSF MW20 (sb) - Railworks Harsco RGH20C Railgrinder on BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision @ MP 168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
6/12/2018: BNSF MOW 65t Derrick / Pile Driver move (sb) on BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
5/23/2018: Great Northern #174419 (Class GTS High Side Gondola) @ Flynn, TX
5/21/2018: National Cash Register Model 1098 (ca. 1927)
5/21/2018: National Cash Register Model 312 (ca. 6/6/1913)
5/21/2018: BNSF U-JSPTEA5-20 (LORAM Ditcher); BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision @ MP185 - Newby, TX
4/26/2018 - Technical Diving - Marine Diving Services
5/12/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-TEAAMY @ MP159.6 - Main Street gc, Normangee and MP153.84 - Old Reservoir Lane gc, N. Zulch, TX
4/11/2018: CSX Albany Division / River Subdivision; CP5 - Ridgefield Park, NJ
4/11/2018: NYS&W; SU-99 @ MP12.48 - Cross St gc; Bogota, NJ
4/10/2018: NYS&W; Ridgefield Park Yard; Ridgefield Park, NJ
4/8/2018: Amtrak; AMTK 700 "Empire Service" New York Heritage Livery, private cars: "Pacific Union" & "Babbling Brook"; Albany-Rennselaer, NY
4/10/2018: CSX Bellmans Creek and CSX & NYS&W Overpeck Creek Bridges; Ridgefield Park, NJ
4/10/2018 - Interborough Rapid Transit (NYCTA) Wall Street Station Entrance; New York, NY
4/30/2018: Amtrak Hudson Line / Claverack Industrial Track @ QCV1.30 State St gc; Hudson, NY
4/4/2018: U-KARTEA (nb BNSF Ballast Train) on BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision @ MP168.46 - FM 977 gc; Flynn, TX
3/26/2018: U- MYKCAK (nb empty Herzog ACT Ballast Train) on BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
3/18/2018: U-CAKMYK8-22B - Herzog ACT Ballast Train on BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision @ MP155.15; N Zulch, TX
2006; Brooklyn Cyclones @ Keyspan Park, Brooklyn, NY; 2009 Brooklyn Cyclones @ Oneonta Tigers, Damaschke Field; Oneonta, NY
3/13/2018: Normangee Panthers v. Iola Bulldogs; 16 - 0; Normangee, TX
3/9/2018: Lifting a Production Switch Tamper for offsite repair; BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision: MP168.50 - Flynn House Track; Flynn, TX
3/7/2018: NS 9255 "Operation Lifesaver" on H-TEAAMY @ MP165.0 - Flynn, TX; BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision
2/19/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; U-LSSFLX MOW Train @ MP168.46 - FM 977 gc; Flynn, TX
2/18/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; U-LSSFLX (Lacassine, LA to Flynn, TX) MOW Train @ MP168.46 - FM 977 gc; Flynn, TX
2/9/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; H-TEAAMY @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
2/9/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; U-PADGAT5 (TEC Train) @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
2/6/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; BNSF H-LALTEA @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX
2/7/2018: BNSF Red River Division / Houston Subdivision; BNSF H-TEAAMY @ MP168.46 - FM977gc; Flynn, TX