plunkettb: Colorful Spider Web
plunkettb: Great Blue Heron - Buffalo Creek Forest Preserve
plunkettb: Red-Headed Woodpecker
plunkettb: Common Yellowthroat
plunkettb: Hooded Merganser
plunkettb: White-Crowned Sparrow
plunkettb: Great Egret
plunkettb: Killdeer
plunkettb: Killdeer
plunkettb: Black-Throated Green Warbler
plunkettb: Party on the Pathway - Sparrow and Warblers
plunkettb: Warblers & Sparrows
plunkettb: Pine Warbler
plunkettb: Yellow-Rumped Warbler & White-Crowned Sparrow
plunkettb: Swainson's Thrush
plunkettb: Swainson's Trush
plunkettb: Yellow Warbler & Sparrows
plunkettb: Warbler, Sparrows & American Robin
plunkettb: Turtle just thinking about crossing the street
plunkettb: Turtle - Buffalo Creek Forest Preserve
plunkettb: Sandhill Crane
plunkettb: Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
plunkettb: Egret with Crayfish
plunkettb: american goldfinch
plunkettb: Red Foxes
plunkettb: Solitary Sandpiper
plunkettb: DSCN4108
plunkettb: Wind Point Lighthouse
plunkettb: The Bean
plunkettb: Snake