Devid VII: Hibernia Explorer and BH-AT01
-soccerkid6: Spyrius Detector
kamil.karpinski517: Wolffang Clan – Lego wolf riders.
Garry_rocks: Venerable Dreadnought
Garry_rocks: Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought
Dwalin Forkbeard: Black Coach
W. Navarre: Gothmog: The Lord of Balrogs
the_2_rabbits: aerial_gundam
the_2_rabbits: goldionhammer
th_squirrel: Party of Justice
Exetrius: Warriors of the East
-soccerkid6: Bronze Bolt
guitar hero78: Lego MicroboT mk-X
guitar hero78: Lego Mazinger Z
Ghost Hunter Gunn: 9462: The Mummy (redux)
Aaron Brick Designer: Uldrak the Cruel
Aaron Brick Designer: Dragonslayer Assault
Aaron Brick Designer: Klariz the Proud
Ghost Hunter Gunn: 'The Hunter'
donuts_ftw: Wedge Warriors unit 2 "Gunslinger"
-soccerkid6: Populating Historica CMF Series
Shannon Ocean: Tech-priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus
guitar hero78: Lego mechs Seraph & Lucifer
Aaron Brick Designer: Gladiator Mechs
Shannon Ocean: Heavy Ruststalker
11inthewoods: Elven Magic
F@bz: Sonokrha (06)
th_squirrel: New Asgardians in Star Wars
J-Bricks: Skyrim Hero’s