Jeff-Photo: Friche
NaÖH: il était une friche...
peltier patrick: friche industrielle de Tronçais
Carlo Cremona 1972: AKIS CALENDAR - Claudia Fabris - Mansour #AltoFest2015 - casa Cremona, Taglialatela ( #giardino delle #Albichecche )
gu@n: LAS APARECIDAS #ALTOfest2015 Marina Quesada (Argentina) + Melissa Cisnero (Mexico) + Ng Chor Guan (Malaysia) Last show : 10 luglio ore 11:00 e ore 12:00 LAS APARECIDAS GEDA ABBIGLIAMENTO, via Foria, 24 #theremin #livemusic #dance #performance #GuanInNaple
s.alt: deer heads 0490
bread and jam: Tatuamoci #amanomarket #breadandjam
s.alt: taiyaki 07137
s.alt: taiyaki 07138
virginhoney: collection of broken figures
bread and jam: Life is fun down here 🐋
bread and jam: Sposate #remida
virginhoney: upside down
revolvopolis: BW7B6430.jpg
virginhoney: studio view
bread and jam: Grey sky vs colourful street
bread and jam: #cardo #hortus
bread and jam: @campdesigngallery A peaceful, hidden and green design space in Milan
bread and jam: Salotti
bread and jam: The art of dealing with ten projects at the same time 😱
Goethe58: Tramonto (Decline)
virginhoney: I'm a candy lover
bread and jam: Morning view
s.alt: kyoto imperial palace 2155
virginhoney: double life
s.alt: dried hortensia 0487
s.alt: dried hortensia 0503
s.alt: dried hortensia 0500
bread and jam: Cucine da sogno