Brian E Kushner: Center City Philadelphia After Snow
Eddie C3: Saturday Morning: Breakfast Nook
Berny S2: power for the screws
Matt Stratmoen: Red-eyed Tree Frog
Matt Stratmoen: Yellow-bellied Siskin
Matt Stratmoen: Silver-throated Tanager
Matt Stratmoen: Boat-billed Heron
Matt Stratmoen: Bananaquit
Matt Stratmoen: Howler Monkeys
Matt Stratmoen: Golden-browed Chlorophonia
Eddie C3: Wheel and Path
Matt Stratmoen: Resplendent Quetzal
Eddie C3: Prison Break
Matt Stratmoen: Pale-billed Woodpecker
Matt Stratmoen: Fer-de-lance (Terciopelo)
Matt Stratmoen: Lesser Violetear
Matt Stratmoen: Atlas Moth
Matt Stratmoen: Yellow-throated Euphonia
Eddie C3: Avontuur IV
Matt Stratmoen: King Vulture in the rain
Matt Stratmoen: Resplendent Quetzal
Matt Stratmoen: Resplendent Quetzal
Matt Stratmoen: Resplendent Quetzal
Matt Stratmoen: Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
Matt Stratmoen: Golden-browed Chlorophonia
Matt Stratmoen: Golden-browed Chlorophonia
Matt Stratmoen: King Vulture
Matt Stratmoen: Orange-chinned Parakeets
Matt Stratmoen: Red-legged Honeycreeper
Don's PhotoStream: Freedom Lies in Being Bold