CAJC: in the PNW: Curlicues
amadej2008: Pisum-sativum-ssp-elatius_7
a_hedrick: LemhiShoshone_3brushlodgedraft
Tony Frates: Rimrock milkvetch
Tony Frates: Rimrock milkvetch
Tony Frates: Parry's Sandpaper Plant
Tony Frates: Ferron milkvetch
Tony Frates: Isely's milkvetch
Tony Frates: Ferron milkvetch
CAJC: in the PNW: Moss and lichen garden
Doug_McGrady: Vegetated dunes high above Duck Harbor Beach, Wellfleet, Cape Cod National Seashore, MA
Doug_McGrady: Duck Harbor Beach, Wellfleet, Cape Cod National Seashore, MA
Doug_McGrady: Suaeda maritima (herbaceous sea-blite), Duck Harbor Beach, Wellfleet, Cape Cod National Seashore, MA
Doug_McGrady: Artemisia stelleriana (beach wormwood / dusty miller), Ammophila breviligulata (American beach grass), Duck Harbor Beach, Wellfleet, Cape Cod National Seashore, MA
Doug_McGrady: Ammophila breviligulata (American beach grass), Duck Harbor Beach, Wellfleet, Cape Cod National Seashore, MA
RonParsonsflowershots: 1200 year old Adansonia rubrostipa
RonParsonsflowershots: Didieria madagascariensis and Adansonia rubrostipa
Michiel Thomas: Sellingerbeetse
Michiel Thomas: Sellingerbeetse
a_hedrick: IMG_0030 - Copy
a_hedrick: IMG_0043 - Copy
a_hedrick: IMG_0046 - Copy
a_hedrick: More work
Scott Zona: Ilex opaca 10
Mark Egger: 2024_apples_41_2
V.C. Wald: On the shore of Holland Lake
Mark Egger: Penstemon_gentryi_cultivar_2024_12_2
V.C. Wald: Pilot & Index Peaks