Matt Lavin: Agropyron dasystachyum - thickspike wheatgrass
Matt Lavin: Agropyron dasystachyum - thickspike wheatgrass
Matt Lavin: Agropyron smithii (bluegreen) and Agropyron dasystachyum (green)
Matt Lavin: Agropyron smithii (bluegreen) and Agropyron dasystachyum (green)
Matt Lavin: Agropyron smithii (bluegreen) and Agropyron dasystachyum (green)
Matt Lavin: Agropyron smithii - westerm wheatgrass
Matt Lavin: Agropyron smithii - westerm wheatgrass
Matt Lavin: Agropyron spicatum - bluebunch wheatgrass
Matt Lavin: Alyssum simplex - alyssum
Matt Lavin: Alyssum alyssoides - pale madwort or yellow alyssum
Matt Lavin: Alyssum simplex - alyssum
Matt Lavin: Alyssum simplex - alyssum
Matt Lavin: Alyssum simplex - alyssum
Matt Lavin: Alyssum simplex - alyssum
Matt Lavin: Alyssum simplex - alyssum
Matt Lavin: Alyssum simplex - alyssum
Matt Lavin: Alyssum simplex - alyssum
Matt Lavin: Alyssum simplex - alyssum
Matt Lavin: Astragalus bisulcatus - twogrooved milkvetch
Matt Lavin: Astragalus bisulcatus - twogrooved milkvetch
Matt Lavin: Astragalus bisulcatus - twogrooved milkvetch (and bumblebees)
Matt Lavin: Castilleja sessiliflora - downy painted-cup
Matt Lavin: Chenopodium album - lambsquarters
Matt Lavin: Chenopodium album - lambsquarters
Matt Lavin: Chenopodium album - lambsquarters
Matt Lavin: Chorispora tenella - crossflower
Matt Lavin: Chorispora tenella - crossflower
Matt Lavin: Chorispora tenella - crossflower
Matt Lavin: Chorispora tenella - crossflower
Matt Lavin: Chorispora tenella - crossflower