TaoW80: Tress along the path in the field
TaoW80: Emily and Dakota checking out a trapped coon
TaoW80: Sad trapped trouble maker
TaoW80: Emily gets plastered
TaoW80: Justin, Sara, and Brandon at the lake
TaoW80: Sara trying out Justin's sling
TaoW80: Fungus
TaoW80: Justin's proposed yurt site
TaoW80: Dakota finishing up the infill coat of plaster
TaoW80: Emily finishing up the infill plaster coat
TaoW80: Completed infill coat on the interior
TaoW80: Tao before upgrading the fruit/berry soil
TaoW80: Throwing down cardboard to help suffocate the grass and weeds
TaoW80: Another view of the cardboard
TaoW80: Adding the composted alpaca manure
TaoW80: Beefed up section of fence where raccoons were getting into the garden
TaoW80: A butterfly on thistle in the garden
TaoW80: Cardboard around fruit tree
TaoW80: Eastern garden with partial path and cardboard
TaoW80: Another view
TaoW80: A wild bean growing on the fence in the garden
TaoW80: Flowers of the wild bean in the garden
TaoW80: The composted and mulched fruit trees and berry bushes
TaoW80: Granite chunks around hardy kiwi to help it through the winter
TaoW80: Granite chunks around an almond tree to help it through the winter
TaoW80: The composting horse manure is gone!
TaoW80: Eastern garden fruit trees/berries composted and mulched
TaoW80: Completed section of food forest mulching
TaoW80: Granite chunks for free!
TaoW80: DSCF1556