Pon Kattera: A storm sweeping the empire
Pon Kattera: Cliff diving (minus the cliff)
Pon Kattera: I first made it here in the summer of 2005, when #gullfoss and I were a little more green. 👴 #goldencircle #Iceland
Pon Kattera: The fuselage of the United States Navy Douglas Super DC-3, which crashed on the black sands of Sólheimasandur Beach #Iceland November 1973. All crew members survived.
Pon Kattera: A history of climate change in #Iceland. Like trees, #glaciers have lines that reveal the story of their formation. Clear pure strips from winters, textured strips with trapped carbon dioxide bubbles from summer. And this being Iceland, dark strips of ash
Pon Kattera: Road trip, Seljalandsfoss, #iceland
Pon Kattera: Second screen. regram @sneal
Pon Kattera: Frolicking #juno #nogloves
Pon Kattera: Back on the island #NYC
Pon Kattera: “I've been around the world a couple of times, or maybe more; I've seen the sights, I've had delights on every foreign shore; but when my mates ask me the place that I adore; I tell them right away” This is my home among the gum trees. New York to Canb
Pon Kattera: Eye of the Emirates
Pon Kattera: “I don't think fear really exists. We simply create it in our minds—and if we can create it, we can just as easily erase it” —Mahsa, Tehran
Pon Kattera: Under the bridge, downtown #Esfahan #Silkroad #Persia #Iran
Pon Kattera: 16th century saying: “Esfahan nesf-e jahan”. #Esfahan is half the world. #Persia #Iran
Pon Kattera: This mosque, Masjed-e Shah is the centerpiece of what's got to be one of the loveliest main squares in the world.
Pon Kattera: ⏳⌛ #Iran #Tehran
Pon Kattera: The concrete jungle of #Tehran and Milad Tower up against the Alborz Mountains #Iran
Pon Kattera: #Persia #Tehran
Pon Kattera: Mosaics of #Persia #Tehran #Iran
Pon Kattera: Summer in the city
Pon Kattera: Looking down #Kazbek #glacier
Pon Kattera: Up the #glacier and into thin air #Kazbek #Caucasus
Pon Kattera: #illustration attempt #unesco #Caucasus
Pon Kattera: upload
Pon Kattera: Mount #Kazbek (5,047m) majestically floating above Gergeti Trinity Church (2,170m) at #sunrise #Caucasus
Pon Kattera: Funicular #Tbilisi
Pon Kattera: Overlooking #Mestia, #Svaneti #Caucasus
Pon Kattera: Above the clouds #Svaneti #Caucasus
Pon Kattera: And a close up #Chalaadi #Glacier, #Svaneti #Caucasus