Rui Palha: Quiet rain
Rui Palha: Just a walk...
Rui Palha: Parallel worlds
Rui Palha: Without hands...
tassodikaios: Mirror
Hellasman: Untitled
Hellasman: Untitled
Hellasman: Different Worlds
tassodikaios: Big Guy!
Sion Fullana: "Holding On, Pushing Through"
Hellasman: Dark Rider
Hellasman: Turn Around
Hellasman: Shed Some Light
Hellasman: DSCF7039
Hellasman: DSCF7043_2
Sion Fullana: "To the One Who Doesn't Dream About the Sun"
tassodikaios: You looking at me? Montreal, July 2012
Hellasman: Untitled
Hellasman: Hands Up
Hellasman: Old Quebec City
Hellasman: DSCF5924
RoniBar: Untitled
RoniBar: Break
Rinzi Ruiz [street zen]: Onl y Ped [Explored]
Sion Fullana: "Scenes from the Bronx" (Diptych)
stavrosstam: IMGP2619-stavrosstam