The Library of Congress: Answering the nation's need for womanpower, Mrs. Virginia Davis made arrangement for the care of her two children during the day and joined her husband at work in the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas. Both are employed under Civil Service in the Asse
KaKaWeTe: nervous
Tendragons: Forest Fairy
Jaki Good Miller: a father's regard
puja: pink n' green
puja: facemask dancing
puja: me
LGZ: Balcony Portrait 2
Chris Bloom: North Beach
languisity: Ok, so I know what you're thinking.
Levistrauss: Amazônia Rio Iriri - Transporte
paul veraguth: abstract in yellow
ambientlight: moments in a life
languisity: Day 98
maryanne_b: conceal
remuz [Jack The Ripper]: l'amore è...
**Elle**: What behind the door?
Thomas Hawk: Tragic
donal mc cann: Gary Donnelly - Portrait
Whiffleboy: 365:85 - Stand
Tendragons: Lantern