dietmargötte: Gare Guillemins
conall..: the holly and the fly {explored}
norcal diver down: Pacific Sunset
jose albino: 221105
Hans Hamilton: Pelikan Fountain Pen
dasar: fli__DSC3617
Lord V: Hoverfly Scaeva selenitica in bound on a crocus
Boots in the Oven: Mexican on the Menu
kerrins_giraffe: Martin Johnson
Adam Garelick: New York by Gehry
Tony Shi Photos: New York By Gehry
Boots in the Oven: Absolutes are quicksilver.
elmofoto: you're either shooting or you're dead v2.0 {+1 in comments}
mgratzer: Modern Day Cowboys
Kitsanne: thursday soft optic 006
Sue.Ann: 152/365
sistereden2: peintre ou dessinateur ? * Paris
Stewie1980: Phetchaburi, Phra Nakhon Khiri
Nabucodonosor Perez: The tourist
Vivienne Gucwa: Touching the Sky - The Chrysler Building - New York City
jitze: Mt Hamilton and Lick Observatory
jitze: Heading home just before dusk
Boots in the Oven: Caves at Rosh HaNikra
Boots in the Oven: Atmospheric