dustyphotos: When you don't get to go to the eclipse party like the cool kids 😎 but hey, the scene on the sidewalk is pretty sweet 🌚
dustyphotos: Evan back to school thru the ages... clockwise: 11th, 6th, 8th, and my favorite of all time: 1st grade
dustyphotos: Too cool to let mom take first day of school pic 😎💁💕
dustyphotos: Not really how I meant to spend two solid hours of my Saturday, but good to know I still have some skills. #twists #blackhair #transracialadoption #notbadforawhitegirl
dustyphotos: Took my kid shopping for school clothes, and somewhere between the Nike store and the Ralph Lauren outlet, he disappeared into Kay Jewelers and came out carrying a little box with a bow. Using his own hard-earned cash, that lil stinker bought me a beautif
dustyphotos: He must want something.
dustyphotos: Here's how you can tell the governor is in the HGOP caucus #ilga #k9 #sb1
dustyphotos: A friend of mine posted this on her Facebook and I thought it was worth sharing.
dustyphotos: People keep sending screen grabs of me covering the floor debate over steak, hotdogs and Vienna sausages. Good thing it was senate and not house, bc someone would've said brats. #schoolfunding humor #punchy #ilga
dustyphotos: Dang I wish Mario had run again in 2016
dustyphotos: My ex-husband brings me extra stuff from his garden. #amicabledivorce
dustyphotos: Finally broke 1k #amateur
dustyphotos: My lil alien child finished up his internship in Bloomington. He won hackday competition and has been invited back for next year. There was a time I was afraid he'd spend his life living in my basement. Now I'm looking forward to someday living in his. It
dustyphotos: Two intrepid #journalists console each other as they confront their biggest fear ... a little bug. 🐜
dustyphotos: Rosie for governor! 🌹🐕🌹
dustyphotos: When your Capitol bureau reporter is away but you have to do a quick phoner and you don't know how #facetime #ftw
dustyphotos: One of my all-time favorite quotes.
dustyphotos: #onlyondaysthatendiny
dustyphotos: So I did a really rare (for me) thing and went to a concert last night. Steve Earle -- the most woke country outlaw I know of. Helluva songwriter. Killer musician. Seems like an actual decent human being. Another rare occurrence: I left my phone at my fri
dustyphotos: 🚌💸
dustyphotos: #stilltrue
dustyphotos: Rosie's Friday night selfie game is strong 🐕📱👌#whosagooddog #rescuedog #sharpei
dustyphotos: #flashbackfriday to the days when I spent at least half of my free time in black barber shops. 🙌
dustyphotos: This is Rosie. While I was at work today, she dragged the big kitchen trash can into the dining room and knocked it over. Lucky for me, it has a locking lid, and she got none of the yummy scraps she hoped to get out of the trash. But she's hanging her hea
dustyphotos: When you've wrangled munchkins all day in 100+ heat index and you finally get food and AC. Can't let go of the phone or the PS controller tho. #campcounselor #summerjob #itsonlymonday
dustyphotos: Rosie got to reunite with her hero tonight. Dennis the Dog Whisperer!
dustyphotos: I still miss my lil Buddy 💔
dustyphotos: One benefit of being the education reporter: I don't have to stake out leaders meetings like Brian Mackey and Amanda @vinicky
dustyphotos: My #guardianangel #rescuedog #rescuedogsofinstagram #sharpei #sharpeisofinstagram