pretoriano753: Tramonto sul tirreno
Jesse 'jbiz' Booher: JB2_5575 DANIEL JOHNSTON
E_V: kostroma
p i a n i s s i m o: Paradise of birds
hm2.14: SG104634
hm2.14: SG100342
rene phaneuf photographe: Sunset in Cartierville P.Q.Canada.
wattleranger: sunset with birds
guanness: Sunset over Apollo Bay from Marriners Lookout
Antri Lacson B: Beyond Twilight
Antri Lacson B: Light in the Shade
Jerry's photo: DSC_0364
Ginas Pics: Sunset at my home - communicating with the aliens...
azeezzainal: sunriseagain4
vanstaffs: Distant Ship in Dusk
jane09186: equinox
ewan.osullivan: A second autumn on the Charles
ewan.osullivan: Fiery colours
rebranca46: ....tramonto autunnale.....