icecoldsnow: My Zing!
Coco Cake Land: hoot hoot! owlie cake!
Amiguria: Work in progress
MiKa Art: Kiss me cat card
Pinktezka: Updates
all_about_ami: Crochet Desserts
Jerrod Maruyama: Kawaii Beauty and The Beast
Crazy Craft: Apple Piglet Cupcake
Crazy Craft: Amigurumi Snowman
Coco Cake Land: Big Tiger and Little Tigers
Crazy Craft: Sweet Amigurumi Koala
archidave: Across the Swainswick Valley, Somerset
all_about_ami: Teddy Bear Keychains
Christabelle‧迴紋針: 瑪格莉特咖啡館卡布其諾
1room1key: True Love