MissBlythe: It's #followfriday, so today I would love to know what amazing creators you follow and that you recommend.⠀ .⠀ For this Friday, my recommendations are:⠀ .⠀ @sana_dolls⠀ @dafnerydolls⠀ @blythe.me⠀ .⠀ Please share your favorites by tagging them in the comme
MissBlythe: Custom Blythe Doll for Adoption by kdollsKRD⠀ BUY → https://etsy.me/2L0mNcg⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #dollycustom #blytheadoption #blythe #blythedoll #blythedollcustom #blythecustom #blythecustomizer #ooakblythe #customblythe #ブライス #customdoll #dollforsale #blytheforsal
jacobdeuchar.co.uk: _5D17240_MOD1 "Kipper" - @Angela Robinson
jacobdeuchar.co.uk: _5D17242_MOD1 "Yorda" - @Angela Robinson
colemonkey: Hollywood.
Squirrel Junkie: French Roast, Sumatra, or Decaf?
irulethegalaxy: 12 I wanna ride!
ALgaP: Hollywood
*Jacki*: Can I have a bite, please?
sleepforever: Stranger things Sleep Forever
sleepforever: When You're Strange
sleepforever: vivre sa vie set
Andi B. Goode: Beautiful Beau <3
Andi B. Goode: Eight EBLs
Andi B. Goode: Today's number is 2...
puppy52: Ginko: you called?
*Jacki*: I'm still "lichen" the necklace Leah got me for my birthday a few years ago
amberstarblythe: Happy Halloween! Brianna enlists the ghosts to help trick or treating.
Painters Life: 💜Blythe Adores Anna!💜 Had to rush an indoor pic. Couldn't wait for daylight tmo. "Hey Anna Sui! I have your doll!! We're buds now right? Wanna hang out and design clothes for her?!" Forgive me. I'm a little excited.
Andi B. Goode: She's here!!!
*Jacki*: Our true love, Siggy! Siegerrebe wine from @lopezislandvineyards
GillyB15: Uh-oh - a new Pinkyjane skirt has just arrived - I think I'll let them sort it out themselves !
Andi B. Goode: Together
Minitα: Miniature Coffee Goods
Painters Life: Champagne Allegra goes vamp. Liz's Retros ensemble which includes glasses, cigarette and ashtray! She's great. Her fashions are impeccably sewn and fitted. Obvious hair extension intentional (called a "fall" back in the day when enormous hair was in).
Andi B. Goode: Another pic!
Jenni @ Good Dolly: Back from the grocery store
PruchanunR.: CWC Exclusive Neo Blythe “Ahcahcum Zukin”