AlexLamoreaux: Himalayan Snowcock--Island Lake, Ruby Mtns, NV
giffbeaton: Cave Salamander_Eurycea lucifuga_ 2015-04-06_ 125.JPG
giffbeaton: High humidity liftoff_ 2015-04-17_ 065.JPG
giffbeaton: Brewer's Sparrow_MT_ 2015-05-14_ 336.JPG
Birding Brazil Tours: Dot-winged Crake
mikeycerw: REDHxLESC_20_DEC_2014_GA_MD_8
mikeycerw: REDHxLESC_20_DEC_2014_GA_MD_7
mikeycerw: REDHxLESC_20_DEC_2014_GA_MD_1
mikeycerw: REDHxLESC_20_DEC_2014_GA_MD_2
mikeycerw: REDHxLESC_20_DEC_2014_GA_MD_5
SteveMlodinow: Establishing Shot - Two Buttes, Baca County, CO - November 2014
agawa2yukon: Evening Grosbeaks Second Government Lake
OrioleKEC1: Surf Scoter -- DSCN5630
Arlene Ripley: Clay-colored Sparrow (Spizella pallida)
Jonathan Mays: Muscovy Ducks (documentation photo...albeit a poor one)
Jim Tarolli: juvenile Gray Jay
VozdoBerço: Gralha-de-bico-vermelho (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)
mcvetas: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
dannapotter: Willow Ptarmigan, Point Peninsula, NY, 27 Apr 2014
Jim Pawlicki: Herring Gull (white-winged extreme/suspected "Northern-type") - 1
joe turner birds: Pink-footed Geese, Quarry Lake, Baltimore Co, MD, 01-31-14
Bill Bouton: Arizona Woodpecker, Picoides arizonae, male
pomarinejaeger: sals-fortdesoto-1-05-14-tl-04-cropscreen-lowres
pomarinejaeger: sals-fortdesoto-1-05-14-tl-03-cropscreen-lowres
pomarinejaeger: sals-fortdesoto-1-05-14-tl-01-cropscreen-lowres
pomarinejaeger: ytwa-dominica-fortdesoto-1-05-14-tl-02-cropscreen-lowres
Paul.J.Hurtado: European Starlings, Common Grackles, Red-winged Blackbirds (Video 1/5)
Neil Hayward: McKay's and Snow Buntings
Neil Hayward: McKay's and Snow Buntings