Pina29: The long road home
Pina29: Window with shadows
Pina29: Gate with no fence
Pina29: Tracks Sunshine Coast
Pina29: Sunshine Coast 2
Pina29: Window
Pina29: Gated Door
Pina29: Women's Shelter Door
Pina29: Open Window
Pina29: Lucky Restaurant
Pina29: IMG_1079
Pina29: Fraser
Pina29: grafitti 13
Pina29: Happiness through better Pharmaceuticals
Pina29: Beatty in the Morning
Pina29: Health
Pina29: Bathtub
Pina29: Happiness through better Pharmaceuticals
Pina29: Self Portrait
Pina29: Doorway
Pina29: Brick Door
Pina29: How long til spring?
Pina29: Evening read
Pina29: Miss Mollie
Pina29: Monestary School windows
Pina29: grafitti 13
Pina29: roots
Pina29: Window
Pina29: grafitti 11
Pina29: grafitti 10 seats among the vegetables and fruit