pieplate: violin maker's cat
pieplate: unknown cat
pieplate: Lucky in the grass
pieplate: Lucky 2
pieplate: Sam reconsiders
pieplate: ginger tom pursuing Ruby
pieplate: pretty happy cat 4
pieplate: pretty happy cat 1
pieplate: little tom cat
pieplate: friendly tom 3
pieplate: friendly tom 2
pieplate: Florida alert
pieplate: friendly tom 1
pieplate: Selecte chat up close
pieplate: cat in the window, NOT in the microwave
pieplate: dogs' day out 10
pieplate: dogs' day out 8
pieplate: Florida in a basket
pieplate: jewelry window cat 11
pieplate: Scherzo checks me out
pieplate: Dolce bugged by Scherzo
pieplate: in the catbird seat
pieplate: chat du Selecte
pieplate: Julie the French (Impressionist) cat
pieplate: miaou sees a lizard
pieplate: miaou with tail, coy
pieplate: miaou sees a bird
pieplate: miaou 014
pieplate: miaou spots prey
pieplate: bw Esalen Working cat 2 headshot