pieplate: BB in the doorway
pieplate: Betty pic wonderful
pieplate: Betty July '05 3
pieplate: 132_3210
pieplate: Betty new camera
pieplate: Betty rolls splendidly 2
pieplate: Betty on the car
pieplate: Fierce BB and the tie 2
pieplate: BB & the chair tie 8
pieplate: Betty on the Courier
pieplate: BB hiding
pieplate: Betty on the fence post 5
pieplate: Betty in the blanket tunnel 5
pieplate: Betty comes through 1
pieplate: macro Betty slit-eyed
pieplate: Betty stoned on heat 3
pieplate: Betty's fabulous feet 1
pieplate: Betty's sweet face
pieplate: flexible Betty in shadow with beautiful feet
pieplate: Betty rolls up the driveway 3
pieplate: flexible Betty in shadow with beautiful feet
pieplate: Betty happy in the grass
pieplate: betty yawns
pieplate: Betty asleep on the cushion
pieplate: Nancy & Walter 8
pieplate: Betty spurns the camera
pieplate: Betty 2
pieplate: BB up a tree 11a
pieplate: BB up a tree 7a
pieplate: BB up a tree 8