Alan Mays: Christmas Greetings from the Four Bakers
bre pettis: 30 Ways to Shock Yourself
smashz: Group 1
geigerwe: D BEELITZ BAUM & ZEIT-21
changoblanco: You may remember that I took a spill several weeks ago. Well we returned to the site on the lake where it happened to shoot a scene. The Art Department surprised me by having this mounted to a tree on the beach. ❤️ #artdepartment #shenanigans
vagrantpunk: Snijders & Rockox House, Antwerp, Belgium.
KChaffee: temperature blankets 092623
diasporate dan: silly season
hoodwatch: Viscose Factory
uk vintage: Perma M 3009 - 1955 ~ George Mayers ~
hmdavid: Giant Cost Plus Imports Postcard - San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf
Monceau: Tile sample for a kitchen
Michael Kupperman: Here Comes Madness.png
Kipling West2.0: 575 Million
Mimi K: Tiny World 2
SazeracLA: Daigle's Grocery, Algiers Point, New Orleans, Louisiana
grace 50: PXL_20220119_015429906 Kentucky Fried Chicken
vivbox: Barney
kalotyp: DSC00337
Tugboat Printshop: “WEB” Woodcut in B&W | Coming soon in 3-4 Block Color | Tugboat Printshop
m e sweeney: Charlene Lee campaign signs
Peggy Dembicer: Language Arts
Peggy Dembicer: Rag Paper Scissors
Peggy Dembicer: Rag Paper Scissors "detail view"
dgans: Billboard, New Mexico
Gypsy-El: Ira Ray Crow & Ida Mae Crow (The Goode Huswife)
Nelson Minar: US rivers in the contiguous 48 Fischer's Alt Heidelberg Restaurant - Detroit, Michigan