Piemouth: Angel
Piemouth: Raye and Philip Hoffman
Piemouth: Louis De Bow
Piemouth: Sam H. Goldstein
Piemouth: Silverstein
Piemouth: Samuel H. Cohen detail
Piemouth: DSCN9775
Piemouth: Herrman and Sophie Herzfelder
Piemouth: Tobias Brilliant detail
Piemouth: Tobias Brilliant
Piemouth: Flowers
Piemouth: Anita and Ping-Chia Kuo
Piemouth: Menorah stained glass
Piemouth: Menorah stained glass
Piemouth: Menorah stained glass
Piemouth: Elya Citowsky
Piemouth: Molka and Yefim Belenky
Piemouth: Louis and Vera Jedeikin
Piemouth: Julien Feist
Piemouth: Johanna and Bert Schlesinger
Piemouth: Josephine and Lewis Abrahams
Piemouth: Cohn mausoleum stained glass
Piemouth: Cohn mausoleum stained glass
Piemouth: Cohn mausoleum stained glass
Piemouth: Samuel Cahn
Piemouth: Houser mausoleum
Piemouth: Houser mausoleum stained glass
Piemouth: Stephanie J. Rogers
Piemouth: Louis Furman
Piemouth: Hertz Gordon