Piece At Last: 15 pink with orange accent 2" strips and 5 white/neutral 2" strips
Piece At Last: Piecing my 2" strips
Piece At Last: I keep this trashcan under my cutting table with plastic bags for each color for when I have leftover strings or strips. Going to go thru these bags first and then will tackle that three drawer scrap bin in the background of larger scraps :)
Piece At Last: IMG_8376
Piece At Last: Easter Bunny for Zoë. Tutorial from Revoluzzza http://blog.revoluzzza.com/2012/04/06/lets-sew-an-amazing-little-easter-bunny-honey/
Piece At Last: Briick Quilt
Piece At Last: Briick Quilt, made using the jelly roll race method but with 4.5" unfinished strips
Piece At Last: Ruffle Bib
Piece At Last: Growthchart_3
Piece At Last: Growthchart_2