picsie14: #beachlife #manly #clouds #dramatic #contrast #storm #endoftheworld #shellybeach
picsie14: machu Picchu
picsie14: Vivid Sydney (Brain)
picsie14: Under the bridge
picsie14: Vivid Sydney 2015
picsie14: Vintage Sydney
picsie14: Bay of Islands, VIC, Australia
picsie14: Sunset over U Bein Bridge
picsie14: Eyes
picsie14: Storm over Bondi
picsie14: Burmese Days
picsie14: Couple of Gentoo Penguins
picsie14: Torre dell'orologio a Padova
picsie14: Taipei
picsie14: Hipstamatic prints
picsie14: Hipstamatic prints
picsie14: Mind boggling
picsie14: What's this????
picsie14: Trying out a new app for bokeh
picsie14: iflickr
picsie14: Leh, ladakh
picsie14: Spituk Gompa
picsie14: Liker Gompa
picsie14: Basgo Gompa
picsie14: Thiksey Gompa, ladakh, India
picsie14: Sunset over Pangong Tso, Ladakh, India
picsie14: Kardung La, highest motor able pass in the world at 5,700 m above sea level
picsie14: Reflections in the Nubra Valley, Ladakh, India