Picnik@BlogHer: Show us Chicago!
Picnik@BlogHer: Marina City - back in the day?
Picnik@BlogHer: From the architecture boat tour.
Picnik@BlogHer: Cloud Gate reflection
Picnik@BlogHer: Looking into the big bean!
Picnik@BlogHer: Crown Fountain @ Millenium Park
Picnik@BlogHer: Sarah getting her Ferris Bueller on.
Picnik@BlogHer: Happy to be at the Chicago Art Institute!
Picnik@BlogHer: A serious case of dull-eyed staring while waiting for Flight 929 to SeaTac
Picnik@BlogHer: grabbing our last meal in the windy city!
Picnik@BlogHer: Cheeseburger party!
Picnik@BlogHer: Has it been a long day?
Picnik@BlogHer: more demoing!
Picnik@BlogHer: Dancing to a little Karoke at Friday's cocktail par-tay.
Picnik@BlogHer: Sarah & Ali chillin on the couch.
Picnik@BlogHer: We be gansta.
Picnik@BlogHer: The ladies of Picnik!
Picnik@BlogHer: Wait, are we taking a picture?
Picnik@BlogHer: Bridget is total stoked for this demo
Picnik@BlogHer: Ali & her cowgirl
Picnik@BlogHer: Sarah demoing!
Picnik@BlogHer: She loved us!
Picnik@BlogHer: She totally loved us.
Picnik@BlogHer: Join us for a demo!
Picnik@BlogHer: more demo
Picnik@BlogHer: Demo City, population: a lot of people.
Picnik@BlogHer: Lisa & Bridget demoing.
Picnik@BlogHer: Ali with the Jump Start dog.
Picnik@BlogHer: another demo!