robbie484: Office under the stairs.
robbie484: Pit hill methodist chapel, the vestry.
robbie484: Pit house bedroom.
robbie484: The proggy mat loom.
robbie484: Pit house lounge.
robbie484: Making jam...
robbie484: Pit house parlour.
robbie484: Pit house back room.
robbie484: Tomorrow's socks
robbie484: Pit hill methodist chapel.
robbie484: The lamp store
robbie484: The sheriffs room.
robbie484: The pitman
robbie484: The pit entrance.
robbie484: The pit tool shed.
robbie484: Farmhouse range.
robbie484: Home guards desk
robbie484: The outhouse sink
robbie484: At home with the land girl.
robbie484: The home guards.
robbie484: Sweet shape formers.
robbie484: Clock machine
robbie484: clippety clop.
robbie484: The bank manager's office.
robbie484: Venture tours.
robbie484: The printing room
robbie484: The sweet kitchen.
robbie484: Printing room.
robbie484: Stanley pit disaster
robbie484: Meanwhile in the dance hall.