Phydeaux460: Orofino Postcard 1
Phydeaux460: Orofino Postcard 2
Phydeaux460: Mercurycleaners
Phydeaux460: L&B Selective color
Phydeaux460: Chuck Day
Phydeaux460: Bluebell selective color
Phydeaux460: sands SC
Phydeaux460: Golden Wheel Drive-in
Phydeaux460: Golden Wheel Drive-in
Phydeaux460: The Paris
Phydeaux460: Molinelli
Phydeaux460: Skull and crossbones
Phydeaux460: Boise Neon II
Phydeaux460: Golden Star I
Phydeaux460: Quik-Wok
Phydeaux460: Machines
Phydeaux460: Machines II
Phydeaux460: Antique World
Phydeaux460: Born Weird I
Phydeaux460: Overland Bar
Phydeaux460: Born Weird II
Phydeaux460: Torch Lounge (Broke again)
Phydeaux460: L&B Beverage
Phydeaux460: Old signs, new light
Phydeaux460: Blue Bell Auto Park
Phydeaux460: Sands Motel
Phydeaux460: Mercury Cleaners