Photoski141: Hotel Bougainvillea Garden
Photoski141: First Bird Photographed in Costa Rica
Photoski141: Rufous-naped Wren emerging from its nest
Photoski141: Yellow & Blue
Photoski141: Yellow & Pink
Photoski141: Great Kiskadee doing Morning Yoga
Photoski141: Yellow & Green
Photoski141: Any bugs under here?
Photoski141: So many choices!
Photoski141: Enjoying breakfast
Photoski141: Varigated Squirrel (Sciurus variegatoides)
Photoski141: Red-billed Pigeon (Patagioenas flavirostris)
Photoski141: Steamy morning
Photoski141: Spike-covered tree trunk
Photoski141: Inspecting the nest holes
Photoski141: A quick pose for the photographer
Photoski141: Checking this hole for food
Photoski141: Squirrel Cuckoo & Orange-chinned Parakeet
Photoski141: A better view of its long tail
Photoski141: Chestnut-capped Warbler (Basileuterus delattrii)
Photoski141: Pink Flower
Photoski141: Bumblebee
Photoski141: Butterfly
Photoski141: Yellow & Black (with white dots)
Photoski141: Stained-glass Window at Hotel Bougainvillea captures what we experienced there