Photoski141: Trip 2_Joinville Island
Photoski141: Huge Tabular Iceberg in Bransfield Strait
Photoski141: Icebergs along a snow covered island 1
Photoski141: Icebergs along a snow covered island 2
Photoski141: Icebergs along a snow covered island 3
Photoski141: Icebergs along a snow covered island 4
Photoski141: Icebergs along a snow covered island 5
Photoski141: Penguins on an iceberg
Photoski141: How did they get up there?
Photoski141: Penguins on Snowy Rock Islands
Photoski141: It looks like they are nesting on the bare rocks
Photoski141: Kinners Cove on Joinville Island
Photoski141: Snow's Edge 1
Photoski141: Snow's Edge 2
Photoski141: Snow's Edge 3
Photoski141: Snow's Edge 1 (Closer Look)
Photoski141: Snow's Edge 2 (Closer Look)
Photoski141: Zodiac ride with Jonathan as our guide
Photoski141: Our first stop was into the brash ice 1
Photoski141: Our first stop was into the brash ice 2
Photoski141: Second stop was a snow-covered rock island with penguins 1
Photoski141: Second stop was a snow-covered rock island with penguins 2
Photoski141: Undercut snow ledge with icicles
Photoski141: Nesting where the snow has already melted
Photoski141: The higher the better...
Photoski141: Adelie Penguins
Photoski141: Gentoo Penguins
Photoski141: Adelie Penguin and Snowy Sheathbill
Photoski141: "How am I going to get back down?"
Photoski141: "Hi-ho, hi-ho" - marching back down to the water