Photoski141: Some birds were not cooperative
Photoski141: Others, like this Song Sparrow, were more cooperative...
Photoski141: ...even if they didn't always show their best side
Photoski141: Lesser Goldfinch had to work hard for a seed
Photoski141: This female Red-winged Blackbird gave me a quick pose
Photoski141: White-crowned Sparrow perched so no obstructions were in the way
Photoski141: Hiding!
Photoski141: This Red-tailed Hawk was hidden in a tree...
Photoski141: Lightening the load
Photoski141: It did a U-turn
Photoski141: Headed off towards an open field
Photoski141: This Song Sparrow wins the prize for the afternoon's best perch...
Photoski141: Northern Harrier on the prowl
Photoski141: Javelina and her newborn
Photoski141: Reversing course
Photoski141: Pondering its next move
Photoski141: Looking for the spigot
Photoski141: You've gone too far...
Photoski141: The rest of gang across the road
Photoski141: Will they cross and join the others in the trees?
Photoski141: 1st Turkey eyeing a Javelin in the ditch
Photoski141: The 3rd Turkey to pass the Javelina
Photoski141: The Javelina eyes the 6th Wild turkey to pass by
Photoski141: Eyeing the photographer
Photoski141: Feeding time
Photoski141: Not a pretty bird
Photoski141: Taking the easy path