Photoski141: American White Pelicans Silently Flying By
Photoski141: Trying to get into formation
Photoski141: A better formation
Photoski141: Ruddy Duck
Photoski141: Reason for the color in the water
Photoski141: Ringneck Duck
Photoski141: Showing its namesake 1
Photoski141: Showing its namesake
Photoski141: Checking the skies above
Photoski141: Red-Tailed Hawk looking for its next meal
Photoski141: Light-morph Ferruginous Hawk 1
Photoski141: Light-morph Ferruginous Hawk 2
Photoski141: Female Hooded Oriole
Photoski141: Male Hooded Oriole
Photoski141: "Why is that photographer looking at me? Is there something on my head?
Photoski141: "That's long way down."
Photoski141: "Maybe I'll stay up here"