Lars Kaiser: sunset alps
mcmillend: La Jolla Sea Lions
LUMIX Deutschland: Panasonic LUMIX GF7 DSLM Wechselobjektivkamera
XK1R: IMG_5788
malamooshi: Oh, do it with me!:)
Nick Barkworth: Summer fun
dmarty78: IMG_5614 B&W
Mishele21: IMG_9552-1
Mishele21: IMG_739600
Mishele21: Moment Of Zen 2002 RSX - Downtown Houston
dmarty78: View from the top
dmarty78: GT 350
aarond777: Nuclear testing in Saskatchewan
martina.egli: Bokeh Martini
sprinkle happiness: He's Ready
tolly p: {November morning sky}
tolly p: “Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.”
sprinkle happiness: Pawprints to my Heart
sprinkle happiness: & dog walked into a bar
lomokev: going down
lissyloola: Parrot organ
ManWithAToyCamera: Callan Park, Sydney [Infrared]