IRMACS Centre: DSC_0148.jpg
Patrick Ng: mind.Depositor 2: Leather Jacket for notepad and 6x4 index cards
koalazymonkey: Template of mind.Depositor - index card templates
gserafini: Unknown word card catalog
Patrick Ng: mind.Depositor 2: Leather Jacket for notepad and 6x4 index cards
Patrick Ng: mind.Depositor 2: Leather Jacket for notepad and 6x4 index cards
macride: Tools(MyPoIC) in Poach.Crammed...
odaaki: PoIC icpod subsystem ポーチ
odaaki: My PoIC icPod
koalazymonkey: Index Card
koalazymonkey: Inside the Traveler's Notebook
koalazymonkey: Weapons for work
koalazymonkey: Index card holder
odaaki: Field Notes
odaaki: Aki’s PoIC system v. 1.0 SET UP
odaaki: blank card
foxcalf: Finding embedded information
koalazymonkey: Index Card System
macride: 似非PoIC用IcPod(改) -1
macride: 似非PoIC用IcPod
crackstar1: 2010 5x3 doc
crackstar1: PoIC+暗記用カード
crackstar1: 2010 B8 doc
crackstar1: 月別情報カード枚数 2010/Jan-2013/Jul
bildesheim: ?! :-)
koalazymonkey: Back to index cards again.
koalazymonkey: Hipstamatic'12 - TDL
hawkexpress: PoIC 2006 : # of index cards
hawkexpress: Designing OrigamiPod
hawkexpress: Statistics : Cumulative sum